Friday, July 31, 2020

Maui Dolphin - Fact File.

For the past few days we are learning to write reports, This was part of it but it was for reading and we had to write its facts.
I enjoyed looking for the facts and writing them down into a google drawing.
I found nothing challenging because I had written everything down already on my book.
My digital learning object shows that I am getting a good start at writing reports. 
Next time I would change my animal or my native insect.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

July Reflection.

We are reflecting on July and what happened during July.
We reflect on every month so we can go through our learning and success.
I found it easy to fill in the little boxes because I knew every activity we had been doing.
I found nothing challenging because everything was easy to understand and we got examples from the teacher.
My digital learning object shows I know how to reflect on my learning.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

David Walliams - Fact File.

This week we were learning how to write fact files.
I found it hard to a quote because all his quotes are very inspiring.
I found it easy to write about him because we got so much information about him.
My digital learning object shows I am getting better at making fact files.
Next time I would change the book writer and write about more writers.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Faith Poster - New term, New value.

For the past few days we got a challenge to make a poster about Faith for the most generous prize, 25 blessing beads for your house colour!
I found it easy to learn about Faith because it's simple to share the love of God to other people by helping and being a good friend, but most of all believing in God and earning his trust.
I found it quite tricky to write how it feels like.
We currently moved onto term 3 so we set a new value and actually writing about that value as well.

To make the poster we had to have certain things like add a quote from the bible, write what it sounds like, feels like, and looks like.

Learning how to recraft Reports.

This week we were learning how to write reports.
We got a level  3 piece of writing/report about Lions and it got jumbled up so we got a partner and rearranged the paragraphs in what we thought sounded right. Once we finished, our teacher told us about adding the classification, description, habitat and the dynamic fact! "Dynamic fact" means a fact that doesn't fit anywhere, it's just a random fact. Habitat, means a place where the animal lives or comes from. The description is how it looks like and what it is and the features. Classification is like the family on what the type of Lion is called. We learnt that each paragraph should be only for 1 topic, Me and my buddy know what we did wrong which was not really stuck to one topic each paragraph. I found it easy to make our own paragraphs without knowing that we had to do one topic on each paragraph.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Manu Tukutuku - Kite.

Yesterday we went down onto our school field and picked up some flax to make a kite for Matariki!
I enjoyed making it but some parts were so hard I felt like giving up but I eventually got it.
I found it challenging to get a small string around the bamboo skewers.
My digital learning object shows we have been learning lots about Matariki.
Next time I would make it again but bigger and it might be nicer since I've made one before and had experience.

Matariki Breakfast.

This morning we had a shared breakfast so we can celebrate Matariki all together.
It was really appetizing and yum with all sorts of foods around.
I enjoyed eating with my friends and going around the tables and doing the Matariki Task Cards. You had to read what it says and say or write what it says, for an example like if you had one wish what could it be and tell 3 ways to make it happen.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Matariki 3D Star.

This week and last week we are learning about Matariki.
I enjoyed decorating and writing all the information I could in 4 stars.
I found nothing tricky cause I already gathered lots of information about Matariki before writing.
My digital learning object shows that I can make a 3D star and write lots about one topic, Matariki.
Next time I would make a 3D star and use 9 stars so I can write about all of the stars and what they are connected to.