Friday, August 28, 2020

Persuasive Piece Writing.

This week we have been getting ready for speeches, we wrote one for an idea on "Animals Shouldn't be kept in Zoos". We had a success criteria which was using emotive language, persuasive language and using a rhetorical question before our introduction. I found it hard to go back and add persuasive language. Animals should be free because keeping them in a cage all day is wrong, they have no space to roam around and then their muscles become weak and sore. 

Animals shouldn't be kept in zoos

Do you think that zoos are a suitable habitat for animals?

I firmly believe that they shouldn’t be kept in zoos because in captivity they rely on the humans to survive, their natural hunting and their surviving skills have been taken away and they have been taken away from their natural habitat. 

Firstly, animals rely on humans for survival. Some tourists or visitors feed them food that they are not supposed to be eating and then the animals become fat, obese of even get diabetes which causes all the animals to become ill. The zookeepers feed them by hand so the animals cannot learn how to hunt for their own food. 

Secondly, they have been taken away from their natural habitat that they are used to. Their muscles become weak and sore because in a cage there is not so much space for them to roam around. Some habitats' temperatures can be different which could give them a different reaction whether it's hot or cold. 

Thirdly, animals have been separated from their family. They get aggressive and eager for their family. That causes them to become depressed and get anxiety then they crave for the animal's family. It's extremely cruel to separate the animals beloved family members just to entertain people and feed them, plus treating them wrongly.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that it's not right to keep animals cooped up in a cage just for people to stare at.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sacraments of Initiation - RE.

For the past few days we have been learning about the Sacraments of Initiation. The 3 Sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. 

Baptism means you get baptised when you go to the church, a symbol for baptism could mean a bowl of water, white clothes or a candle.

Confirmation means when you get confirmed into God's family, a symbol could be the Bishop laying his hands on you welcoming the Holy Spirit.

The Eucharist is taking the body and blood of Christ which is taking the bread and wine, a symbol for the Eucharist could be bread and wine.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Maths Check up - Multiplication.

 This week we are focusing on times tables, we played this game to see how where we aere at with multiplication.

I found some of them hard like the 12x ones, e.g 7 x 12.

I'm trying to learn them off by heart so I can say them quick and fast.

My digital learning object shows I'm improving by practice.

Laughing Owl Report.

For the past week my class had been learning to write reports.

Our class decided on doing animals that were extinct.

I found nothing hard because the Owl was easy to be researched because it has so much information about it.

Laughing Owl

Description, Classification: The Laughing Owl known as Whekau (Maori name.) went extinct in 1914, it’s a white faced owl with yellow and brown looking stripes in their feathers and fur. They were known to be as big as a Morepork, adult ones used to be different shades of brown only. Their classification was Sceloglaux.

Habitats: The Laughing Owls likes to roam around in the open country, maybe because it might be easy to find their food or prey. The owls were also found in forested areas, that might be because that's where most insects and other different animals live.

Diet: They usually eat beetles, weta’s, birds and geckos more than 250g and rats and mice, they liked to eat insects or different types of birds.

Threats: Their predators were the reason they went extinct, mostly humans came hunting for them. Most of the Laughing Owl predators were wild mammals.

Dynamic fact: Their breeding season is mostly in October but sometimes in September.


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Penguins - Fact File.

Since yesterday we were reading about penguins, we had to write a fact file and identify the main ideas in the texts.
I decided to just go with regular penguins and basically put all the species in one fact file.
I enjoyed reading the book with my group and discussing what we thought was wrong.
I found nothing hard because we had the book at all times and had people in our groups to work with.
Next time I would do it on one specific penguin so people can learn something new about penguins.