Friday, September 25, 2020

Gisborne Holidays - That are FREE!

 For the past few days we have been talking about free holidays in Gisborne while doing Cybersmart. I worked in pairs with my friends Francesca and Alison, we found choosing 5 places very easy because Gisborne has many good places to go that are free to take a stroll around.

If you could choose one thing to go to from our google drawing what would it be? My digital learning object is showing you we can use google earth for spotting our locations.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

September Reflection - Newsletter.

 Every month we reflect on our learning by making a newsletter like the one I have made today. Have you or your class ever done something similar to this before? We reflect on our learning like this so when we get older or want to see how much we have improved over the years.

I found pretty much everything easy because I knew what I was learning and why.

My digital learning object shows that I can reflect on my learning.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Bio Security Ad - Why you should check your luggage.

 Have you ever moved countries? My reading group has been reading a book called Bio Security. It is about when you leave food in your luggage.

I made a poster/Ad about it so people can stop doing something that is risking the environment. I worked with my buddy Alison, we found nothing hard because the answers were all in our book that we read and all we had to do was put it in our own words.

If you leave food in your luggage then your harming the environment by attracting the pests by the food that they can scent.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Maara Kai - Master Chef.

 On Wednesday we had a Maara Kai which is Master Chef. We got in groups and figured out what we wanted to make, our group made a Margherita Vegan Pizza, Oreo Truffles and a strawberry and banana milkshake.

I worked with Alison, Leyla and Francesca. We brought together all the ingredients that we needed and after Morning Tea we started cooking. The process was great because we worked as a team and nobody got upset. 

We didn't win but we had fun and we were happy since we got to eat the rest.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Te Reo Maori Week - Book Creator.

 This week is Te Reo Maori week, we read a story called Mossie about a boy who is from Australia and his cousin is Maori. He comes to visit and then they go and play rugby, but everyone thought he didn't know what they were saying since they were saying the instructions in Maori but he really knew them and impressed everyone.

I went on book creator and make a book on how you can say school subjects in Maori! 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Why you shouldn't be Polluting - Speech 2020.

 For some weeks we have been practicing for our speech that is next week on Monday, I wrote about pollution because pollution is an easy topic because you can find out many reasons why it's not good to be leaving rubbish since mainly everyone does it.

 I found nothing hard besides from adding more emotive language since when you start writing and get carried away.

I found choosing my topic and writing my "Thirdly" paragraph easy.

Doing a speech on pollution is pretty easy because it's easy to find lots of information about pollution and why it's bad for the sea, marine life or even us.

Listen to my speech here.

Friday, September 4, 2020

WeVideo - Edit for Shrove Tuesday.

 Last week we got told how to make a WeVideo edit. It was really fun and interesting to explore the site because I had not used it before, It was fun experiencing it. I did mine on Shrove Tuesday because I loved making the pancakes and they tasted so good afterwards with jam and syrup.

I found figuring out how to do the background and other decorating pretty easy. I found adding he writing hard because it was a bit confusing but I eventually figured out how to add the message. 

My digital learning object shows I can make an edit on WeVideo and managing myself to figuring out how to do my learning.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

August Reflection - Reflecting on our learning.

When every month ends we reflect on our learning by doing a reflection, like my August reflection I have done now.
I found writing what I was confidence easy because I have become more confident with my writing knowing that I have improved. I found nothing hard because reflecting on your learning is easy especially if you knew what you were learning and doing.

We reflect on our learning because when we get older we come back to our learning and read it and see how much we have improved and what we need to work on. 
My digital learning object shows that we can reflect on our learning and be on task when asked.
Has your class ever done a reflection newsletter? 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Frogs Comic Strip - Reading Task.

 For the past few days we got to read a book named Frogs, it was about a boy named Tane who came to a land where he discovered these weird looking frog looking creatures. He got tied up by the mutts who didn't want him there and left them, I got a buddy and we made what we thought might be the next chapter since the author left us to think about it.

I found writing easy because anything could've happened.

My digital learning object shows I can really think about my task and make up how I think it might've ended. 

Me and my buddy made a comic strip.

Tracey Tawhiao - News Paper Art.

For the past few weeks we have been learning about an artist named Tracey Tawhiao who reuses newspaper, finds a word that means something to you. I had chosen the word "Succession" because I am aiming to be successful in things I don't know how to do or need improving.

I had found doing my patterns easier because New Zealand has many pretty patterns you can use like a Koru. I found avoiding the gaps in the paragraphs of the newspaper pretty hard.