Thursday, November 26, 2020

How Countries Celebrate - Reading.

 This week and last week we were reading about Diwali and comparing it to other country celebrations. We got a google doc to fill in about whether its a public holiday or not and what its about, plus why they celebrate it. 

I found nothing hard because we had so many sites to read from which had lots of information to collect. I think they all should be holidays so people may have fun and celebrate their own countries with one another. 

Here is what I wrote:


Is a celebration the maori do because of the history about a family who are now stars with different meanings at matariki night.

Public Holiday?(in its own country)

It is unfortunately not a public holiday but the government is thinking about it.

My thoughts 

I think it should be so that families can spend time together.

Chinese New Year

The chinese new year is a festival in china that celebrates the beginning of the year on the traditional chinese calendar.

Public Holiday?(in its own country)

In china it is a public holiday and you get a 7 day absence from work.

My thoughts

I think it should be so that people can celebrate it together knowing it's a big moment for china. 


Diwali is a celebration in India because of a story in the past about a couple named Ram and Sita's homecoming. Which is a light festival.

Public Holiday?

(in its own country)

Yes it is a holiday in india.

My thoughts

I think it should stay as a holiday so the indian people can celebrate it all together.

Comparison statement

Most of them are holidays just some aren't in public, they all have a different back story to them.

Here's a photo of Rangoli in Diwali made out of colourful sand.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Art Colouring Book - Online Art.

 Today for our Cybersmart lesson we watched a heap of videos that were about art and what makes art better and vibrant like textures and colours. We got introduced to a site called Art Colour book here's the link if you wanna go check it out and do some of your own art: Art Colouring Book .

I chose a pictures of a Japanese girl combing her hair because it looked really pretty. I enjoyed doing this because it was really easy and fun to learn and do, 

I found nothing hard besides colouring the flowers on her robe because it was a lot of clicks and very tiring.

Here's a link to the artist: Click here. It was originally created in 1920.

My art:

Goyo's original art:

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Camping in The Bush - Procedure of Making a Solar Barbeque.

 Yesterday and today we read a book named "Camping in The Bush". It's about a family who goes camping and basically has a lot of problems like they cant drink water because they forgot it in the car and the car is already miles away from the campsite. 

Inferencing is a idea or conclusion drawn, it's like a guess about the story or what your discussing about.

They also made a Solar barbeque to cook some sausages. I made something similar to show how to make it on your own in very simple steps. I found nothing hard because it had the instructions in the book which was easy and clear to follow.

Here's my google drawing I did with a buddy on how to make a Solar Barbeque:

Friday, November 6, 2020

Camp WeVideo - Edit.

For the past few days we made a WeVideo edit on camp using all the photos that got taken. Me and my buddy Alison made one together. I found nothing hard because I knew how to use it and what I was doing.
We also did a voiceover about what we did and my favourite would definitely be the Fly Fox because it was so much fun.

Have you ever used WeVideo?

Parihaka Puzzle - Reading.

 For the past few days our class has been going around the classroom because our teacher has put up 8 cards that are full of information about Parihaka and we did sort of like a scavenger hunt because we all got 8 pieces of paper shaped in puzzle pieces. The cards had some questions and the answers were in the 8 different cards that were around the classroom. 

The story of Parihaka: The government people said to the Maori people that they could keep their land but actually confiscated it and took their land and gave it to someone else, then they go back to their land and find someone has claimed it and put their pegs. They got frustrated seeing that someone has intruded their land so they decide to pull out all the pegs and replace them with their pegs. The government was not happy about this so later on all the Maori villagers got imprisoned.. they were imprisoned for 16 months, all the girls would get abused like not given a lot of food and the prisoners got really sick. 2 men called Te Whiti -o- Rongomai & Tohu Kakahi were people who wanted peace for their village and villagers. They wanted to embrace the Pakeha world which they practised even when protesting against injustice. There is also a thing that all the kids wore on their heads, a white Albatross feather.

Here is the feather me and my buddy Alison have created:

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Tui Ridge - Camp Thank You Letter.

 Last week we went on a camp to Tui Ridge which is in Rotorua. We did a lot of activities and had a lot of fun, I did all the activities and pushed myself to the limits when it had came to the Flying Fox and High Ropes since they were about 10m high in the air. 

We also had some team leaders who we followed to our activities and they made sure we did everything right and helped a ton. One of the helpers was a person named Phil, he was very helpful and gave so many different techniques. 

My favourite activity was  definitely the Flying Fox, not only was it fun but it was amazing and it felt and little relaxing to be above the trees and it making you feel like your flying.

Here is my letter along with a photo collage:

Manvi S

40 Campion Rd


5 November 2020

Dear Phil, 

I am writing this letter to thank you for all the hard work you've done at Tui Ridge and letting me tag along with Alison in your car. Thank you for letting Alison and I have a lot of fun and for all the help you brought with you. You are truly a fun and caring person.

One of my favourite highlights was the flying fox. You were always lending a hand with the rope pulling and being an anchor and always being there to encourage us. I was nervous at first but my first time down was a blast.

Thank you for giving up your precious time coming to Tui Ridge with us. All your work has paid off - you came with us to the activities, helped us do different techniques and made us have a lot of fun. I’m sure you had a lot of fun as well.

I saw how much work and help you offered to settle us into Tui Ridge and look out for all the other kids that were there. You are a very uplifting person and very helpful

Ngā mihi

Manvi S.


October Newsletter Reflection.

 Today we made another reflection, by reflecting like this you can know what you need to learn next and what you already know or just sit back and read what you've been doing over the past few years. I found nothing hard because I knew what I was going to do and add since I had many topics in my head that I could use.

I like reflecting on my learning like this because it makes it funner and its just good to reflect on your learning so you know your next step. Have you ever reflected on your learning like this?