Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kaitiakitanga Learning Focus.

 For the past few weeks, we have been working on being a good Kaitiakitanga, which means guardianship. We've been working on some inquiry slides which we were asked to make, our main topic is: Everything to know about being Eco Friendly! Being a good Kaitiakitanga is important to people and the earth. Not everyone understands what one piece of plastic does to the environment and how pollution can affect people as well.

So we made it our mission to spread the word and inform people on how the earth is taking this rubbish. Part of our project, we made a website so people worldwide could check it out and understand the damage we are bringing to the world.

In this website we have added some eco friendly alternatives that people can buy so they can replace the plastic ones, some facts about pollution, some quotes about the earth and even a video which makes you realise how much the earth is suffering.

Here is the link to our website: Click Here!