Thursday, December 12, 2019

5 things you Should do Before Sending an Image

Today I was learning about 5 things you should do before posting an image.
I enjoyed decorating and finding out how many people use it.
I found it challenging to think of some reasons.
My digital learning object shows we know what to do before posting.
Next time I would change the topic.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Can you crack this binary code!?

WALHT - cracking binary codes. Today our class was making and got taught how to make codes can you guys crack this code? (really easy code!)


Code by: Manvi & Tessa
Comment if you know the code!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Manvi's Escape From Xeno Questions!

Don't Fall For Fakes!

Today I was learning how to make gifs and know we know when we are being scammed.
I enjoyed decorated and writing in the different slides.
I found it challenging to think of some slide decoration.
My digital learning object shows that we know when we are or have been scammed.
Next time I would change the themes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

Disappearance Writing

WALHT - add detail Success Criteria Self Assessment I will describe using repetition for effect 😀😀😀 I will describe how the character is feeling (emotion) by painting a picture in the reader's mind 😀😀😀 Disappearance.. By Manvi Date: 5.11.19 “Beep beep.” went the clock “'s almost midnight..Mum when is dad gonna get home!” Alice stuttered. She got a hold of the window in her tight tent and pulled through to take a little peek. Tears rolled from her eyes down sliding to her cheeks every second she thought of dad..I begged mum if we could go out and find dad ourselves. We hopped into the jeep and drove away “drip- plop- splat..” went the oil from the jeep, Thoughts kept racing through my head as a meteor hitting earth, Each time I thought, that was a pain in my head..I was getting awfully bored just looking out into the blurred window. I looked in my pocket and i saw i had my Ba-xi! I screeched in joy. I started to play, and then I got more bored of playing and had totally forgotten about Brad! Brad was a character I had made he tells me where to go and I asked “Hey Brad what way?” I giggled as a joke he told us “right..” saying in a robot ancient voice as an opinion..i never knew he talked I told mum right and i saw so many wild flowers..i took a photo of each flower, “Mum mum!! It's almost midnight where is he!” I wanted to scream I almost started to cry i had missed dad very much he always goes to trips without us..i had no sisters or brothers i was only ten years old..I wasn't prepared to lose my dad. We sent him photos of the fierce flowers to let him know we are on the way. “What type of reception is this? It a bad idea to send him pictures he probably can't even see and he won't notice..” We reached a strange looking dessert or something, As i said i never wanted to lose my dad and I wasnt even ready or prepared. We saw something in the corner of my eye I said “MUM LOOK THERES A CAR!” but it wasn't dad..I started to sob. 5 minutes later we saw another car I hurtled out of my seatbelt and leaned over to see ...A car just like dad’s!! I felt light headed with so much relief, I went over ran over to dad and gave him a huge hug.. The End :)

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mystery Of Science

Today I was learning the Mystery of Science
I enjoyed looking through the activities and adding in the predict and observe.
I found it challenging to understand how to do the explanation.
My digital learning object shows that we know the mystery to science!
Next time I would change the explain to something else.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Synonyms for Sad!

Today I was learning how to make my own little picture to help me and others for the synonym for sad.
I enjoyed decorating and writing in the words
I found it challenging to colour the words.
My digital learning object shows that we know what synonyms means and know we know how to make our own little picture of words.
Next time I would change the word.

Mother Teresa Quote.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Potato Design

This is our design for our potato to put it on the bucket!

Growing a Potato in a Bucket

Our class is joining a competition to grow a potato in a bucket we have asked ourselves this question a lot can you actually grow a potato in a bucket? These instructions helped us a lot...Punch holes in an pot or a bucket, And half fill it with compost enriched Yates premium potting mix.Next you put a seed potato (more than one only if the bucket is big) on top, gradually fill with more mix as the stems grow.Those are the instructions & the coolest thing ever is that we can name the potato! here is a picture of the potato we are going to grow eventually.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Monday, September 23, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mud Kitchen Project

Yesterday, we made a Mud Kitchen Project we made it out of Wood pallets, Hooks, Paint, Super glue, Hammer, Chainsaw, Bowl, Sink & a drill. It was really fun until we spent hours & hours JUST to paint all the wood and the base. It was exciting until we all got covered in paint and had to wash it all off when we got home that wasn't fun cause it took almost forever! but i got it off. We added mini kitchen accessories as well in the morning but sadly i wasn't there i was late but i saw all the accessories and the good job Azrael, Morgan, Maddi,Tessa and Me

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Seeking Help

Today I was learning how to deal with trolls and stand up for myself and others.
I enjoyed decorating and learning how to deal with trolls and haters.
I found it challenging to think of my own things to do if i got trash talked online.
My digital learning object shows that we ALL can stand up for ourselves no matter what.
Next time I would change some other things to do.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Netiquette Word's Online.

Today I was learning about a very interesting word called Netiquette.
I enjoyed decorating and adding my photo in the elegant frame.
I found it challenging to add some sentences that is related to the word.
My digital learning object shows that i learned to work independently with no help.
Next time I would change the word.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Manvi Power of Words

Today I was learning how to be safe online, and try and stop cyberbullying.
 I enjoyed decorating and learning how to stop cyberbullying or from people being rude.
 I found it challenging to decorate it and learn the words for STOP.
 My digital learning object shows that we know how to stop a bully and understand how.
 Next time I would change the words instead of stop and maybe find another word.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Who Eats who.

Today in class we made some collaborative art on Who eats who in the wild life. The cat is the apex and ate the small snake.The snake is the secondary that ate the mouse. The mouse is the primary consumer , then the mouse eats the grass. The grass is the producer.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Matariki Animation

Today I was learning make an animation from Brush Ninja.
I enjoyed putting in shapes and making the backround.
I found it challenging to not place it into a wrong spot.
My digital learning object shows i can put stars and make a animation.
Next time I would change the scene and the topic.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Thursday, August 1, 2019

My Own Action Selfie

Today I was learning to make my own selfie and make a backround.
I enjoyed taking my selfie and finding a backround.
 I found it challenging to flipping my picture to the left.
My digital learning object shows me painting.
 Next time I would change my selfie pose.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Today we made patterns in maths today heres  a picture of mine.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Food Chains

This video shows you about a food chain we are exploring on how things are connected.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Hi my name is Manvi. I was born in Gisborne. I go to St Mary’s School. I'm in year 5. My parents were not born in Gisborne. I live with my mum and dad. I have one older brother.

I'm at school I'm really good at writing, reading and handwriting. My goal is to get better at times tables. Something at school maths is really hard for me. I love reading and I love to do gymnastics. I like  hanging out with my friends and hanging out with my family.

This year I'm looking forward to playing some new sports that I've never tried and also getting my times tables right. I enjoy being in Room 2 because its so much fun and my favourite teacher is Ms Carboni. I've made a couple of new friends and I love playing with them.