Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Anzac Day Google Drawing Scene.

Today i made an Anzac Scene, I LOVED how it turned out. It was pretty hard cause I didn't know what shapes to use and that stuff but i just kept going and I absolutely love how it came out. What is happening in the scene right now was the soldier thats was on the rocks was protecting the flag and the other man but trying to kill him from what the picture i tried to copy looked like. What I learnt was:
1. There's something called body lice and i realized that it was a hard to live cause I thought they had lots of food and water.
2. I never really thought there would be rats also, and as big as a cat? wow that must be HUGE!
3. That the New Zealanders didn't have much either.. just jam, corned beef and stew and hard biscuits must be hard.


  1. Yassou Manvi,
    What did you learn about the Gallipoli campaign from the video you watched before you created this scene?
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

  2. Hi Manvi,
    Did you mean to put the Australian flag on your Google Drawing? The New Zealand flag only has 4 stars.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

    1. Ni-Hao Mrs Naden,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog and thank you for telling me what I had done wrong, I sure will fix it.
      I forgot to write what i had learnt from the video, I will try to put it in there soon.

      Mā te wā

  3. Wow Manvi,
    I love how you have used the shapes to create a person. Did you do this in google drawing?
    Could you add a few sentences to describe what is happening in your Anzac Day scene?
    Mrs Krausse

  4. Kia ora Manvi,
    Thanks for sharing this work.
    How are you finding working from home? Did Mrs Naden set this work up on the class site?
    I wonder if those hard biscuits you wrote about were Anzac biscuits?
    Mā te wā
    Mrs Torrie


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