Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Camp Rules - Tui Ridge.

Today we were writing about Camp! We wrote about the rules that we should follow at Tui Ridge. I found nothing hard because I know I will not put anyone in danger or in harm, I really want to find a new friend while at camp because I would like to help and comfort them in any way they need. 

Have you ever been to Tui Ridge before?

Camp Goals 2020 - Tui Ridge

Today we were  writing our camp goals - our camp to Tui Ridge is in a week. My main goal is making new friends and doing anything it takes to help them and comfort them when they need it.

I really want to try something new and step out of my comfort zone by overcoming some of my fears such as heights. I found this very easy because I was excited from camp all along and had been telling myself what my goals are going be.

The Apple Tree Dilemma - Venn Diagram.

This week we were meant to make a venn diagram on a book called "The Apple Tree Dilemma". It's about these siblings who own an apple tree and love it so much until new kids move into that house and claim that its their tree now.

They then soon make up a plan to get back at them. They get a mask and at night when the kids are on the tree they jump into a bush and jump out scaring them as the kids run away. The siblings go to the tree and pick off the apples as they continue to shove the apple in their bag, their dad find out and is very cross. The dad makes them go to their house and make friends with them and share it! At first they deny everything but finally dad had convinced them to go, they soon became friends! 

For my second book character I chose Mr Large who is a instructor in a book called "The Recruit", he is a very mean and brutal coach. I enjoyed doing this because venn diagrams are easy and fun to make. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Jungle Law Layout - Reading.

 For the past few weeks my reading group has been reading a book named "Jungle Law". It's about a man named Dr Ronco who goes exploring in the jungle. Dr Ronco was a scientist who spent a couple of month is the jungle studying the plant and animal life. What I found easy was making the scene because the words had already made a clear image in my head from the message that I've added from the story.

He comes across some army ants who try launch onto him but he runs.. and soon finds some ants have already crawled onto his ankle. Dr Ronco keeps exploring until he comes across a log, but the log was moving and out emerged a sloth. Dr Ronco quickly ran and climbed up a tree. He then stumbles upon a Jaguar. He runs not noticing the menacing look in his eyes that look very threatening. 

I made a google drawing about the scene and there is also a question for you to answer.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Artnet Andy Warhol Collage 2#!

 In our Cybersmart lesson we had another fun site we could use! This one was very easier and a less of a struggle from the last one on choosing filters back and forth.

I found this one easy because there were only a few steps to follow, The link to this site is: Click here. Once you clicked on the link you follow the steps that it says but first you choose what type of image you want such as a PNG or GIF or something similar of your choice. After that you upload the image and for the "terms of use" you click yes, then click the big green button and scroll down to pick what effect you want then "Validate" and save your image! 

My inspiration was Andy Warhol, here are a couple of facts about him: He did a famous painting of Marilyn Monroe and that is HIS most famous painting. His colours he always used were: Red, Black, Yellow, White, Blue, Purple and green but they had to be bold colours.

LunaPic Pop Art Filter Collage!

 Today for Cybersmart we learnt how to use a site called LunaPic, it is a site where you upload any photo of and you have many filters to choose from to edit your photo.

How to use the site: When you are on the page in LunaPic you either go to Filters, Art or effects but before that you download an image to edit then you just choose what filters you want then save the image by going over to the "File" button, "Save as PNG" then you've got your image! Link to LunaPic:

I found this very easy and quick because all we had to do was choose a filter, take a photo and edit it! I then put it on a google drawing to make it look like a photo collage. Our inspiration was Andy Warhol since he made digital art like this and edited them to give it nice colour and a vibrant look.

It's a free and fun site to visit and edit photos especially when you wanna edit some photos.