Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Artnet Andy Warhol Collage 2#!

 In our Cybersmart lesson we had another fun site we could use! This one was very easier and a less of a struggle from the last one on choosing filters back and forth.

I found this one easy because there were only a few steps to follow, The link to this site is: Click here. Once you clicked on the link you follow the steps that it says but first you choose what type of image you want such as a PNG or GIF or something similar of your choice. After that you upload the image and for the "terms of use" you click yes, then click the big green button and scroll down to pick what effect you want then "Validate" and save your image! 

My inspiration was Andy Warhol, here are a couple of facts about him: He did a famous painting of Marilyn Monroe and that is HIS most famous painting. His colours he always used were: Red, Black, Yellow, White, Blue, Purple and green but they had to be bold colours.


  1. Kia ora Manvi,
    your pop art is very effective. I like the way you gave instructions on how to use the site as it does have a few steps.
    from Mrs Torrie

    1. Talofa Mrs Torrie,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. It was really fun to use and easy to learn. Have you got a chance to check the sites out?
      Mā te wā


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