Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Mondrian Art - Summer Learning Journey Day 27.

  Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our last activity we had to make some art called Mondrian art. I enjoyed this activity because it was super fun because I like doing art and Mondrian art is a very interesting and really pretty art style! Mondrian art was created by Piet Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan was a dutch painter who was known for doing the best painting in the 20th century. He was born on 7 March, 1872, and died on 1 February, 1944. A fact about him was that he only used primary colours which were blue, red and yellow, he didn't even use a ruler to measure out his lines..! 

I found nothing hard except thinking where would I add more squares? But I think it turned out great and I like it! I think Mondrian art is very fun to do and at the end it looks/turns out way better than you think it may, some Mondrian art pieces even have meanings to them but I just wanted to experience the style before I got into all of that! I personally think anyone could ace the art style just because it's pretty easy and it's just a bunch of squares! I like this art style because you don't have to do anything specific, you can do whatever you want with it. 

What art styles have experienced? Are there any styles you recommended? I think I recommend realism, it can be hard but as long as you try..!

Here is my art:


  1. Kia ora Manvi,

    My name is Shannon and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey.

    What a fantastic piece of Modrian artwork! It looks so bold and colourful! I love the way you have chosen to spread your colours and chosen the size of the shapes! It’s come out super artistic and very effective! Ka pai!

    Did you have fun doing this activity? Would you add any other colours if you could? What’s your favourite type of artwork? What’s your favourite colour? Did you have to use a ruler to get the straight lines? Have you looked into doing the step it up part?

    Because your artwork came out so good, I’m marking it as an exceptional blog post for some extra points!

    Keep up the fantastic work!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Kia Ora Shannon,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog!
      I definitely had so much fun doing thing activity because I love art and different art styles. I would add green and purple, maybe you can figure out how to make a rainbow maybe! My favourite type of artwork is drawing & sketching, maybe you can have a look at Edgar Degas's work! He sketches many things, like ballerinas.

      My favourite colour is yellow, what's yours? Yellow reminds me of being happy and it's good colour in general because it can make anything better and pop out. I did have to use a ruler for some of the lines because I thought it might look tidier but Piet never used a ruler in his artwork and it still comes out great! I haven't done the step it up actually but I look forward to doing it when I can!

      Do you like to do art? What famous artist do you like?

      Ma Te Wa,

    2. Hi Manvi,

      You did such a great job, the addition of green and purple would definitely make it a rainbow!

      I looked at his work! He's incredible! His ballerinas are so graceful and look like they're moving!

      My favourite colour is orange, with yellow and red coming in tied as close seconds!

      I love art! One of my favourite artworks is the classic "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh. I think it's utterly breathtaking with it's swirling blues and bright yellows!

      Ma te wa,
      Shannon (SLJ)


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