Monday, January 18, 2021

Balancing Act - Summer Learning Journey Day 26.

Kia Ora/Hello!

Today for our activity we have to try and balance any object into a stack like rocks, pebble and books. I choose books because I thought they might balance better! I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to stack them and see how many I could get stacked on top, the highest was 10 but when I tried to add another it kind of collapsed! I found nothing hard about this activity because it was pretty easy and straightforward. I debated on doing either stones or books but then I thought books might be easier to stack because they are more in a square shape other than rocks which are all different shapes and sizes.

I didn't really have any other books so I had to stick with what I had, I liked this activity because it's so much fun and anyone can do it at home with anything but what you gotta think about is . . What else can you stack and make a tower with at home? Maybe at home you can experiment with some other stuff and try to stack them. Here is my google drawing!  


  1. Kia ora Manvi,

    Charlotte here from the SLJ team.

    What a great tower! I agree, books are good for stacking and things of different shapes like rocks are harder!

    I had to stop and think to answer your question of what can be stacked at home but I have come up with:
    - Cushions
    - Folded clothes
    - Shoes (with some difficulty!)

    Can you think of anything else?

    Keep up the great work!

    Ngā mihi,


    1. Kia Ora Charlotte,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog.
      I definitely think books are great for stacking and I'm glad you agree! I also agree with you, cushions, folded clothes and shoes can definitely work but the shoes may have to work with some effort and perseverance!

      I thought of:
      Magazines (Maybe or Maybe not!),

      Have you made a tower like the one we made today?
      Ma Te Wa,

  2. Kia ora Manvi,

    I agree - I would probably need more patience to do it with shoes!

    Those are great ideas! I think magazines would work, although they may have to be placed alternating as I think the spine sticks out a tiny bit.

    I definitely have! Usually when I'm folding laundry I will see how high I can pile the clothes (I will do anything to make laundry fun!). I have also used building blocks to make towers when I was younger.

    Have you tried to make a tower of stacked things before?

    Ngā mihi,



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