Monday, January 4, 2021

Sundial Nanogirl - Summer Learning Journey Day 15.

 Today for our activity we had to make a Sundial! Sundials were in use in the olden times when analog or digital clocks were not made at the time. We had to make our own Sundial! I enjoyed making my Sundial because it was simple to make and very creative.

What you need for this activity is Card Paper/Cardboard, Tape and Scissors! I like these activities because anyone can attempt to make it without buying or spending money on anything. I learnt about Sundials, I never really heard about them before but they look really interesting and handy.

You can even write your routine on it like wake up, shower and stuff like that. Did you know that Sundials were made about 5,500 years ago? People who made the Sundials were mostly the Romans. Have you ever seen a Sundial? Here is mine!


  1. Hey Manvi,

    I’m Daniel from the SLJ Blog commenting team. I’m looking forward to seeing all your amazing blog posts and I hope you’re enjoying your summer too.

    Great work on the sundial activity, I’ve really enjoyed seeing what you and the other students have made this summer, this sundial is a really interesting piece of technology that is really simple in design but clever in its use.

    I really like learning about history and how people did things in the past. Where did you get your research from? I’d love to know more about it.

    Make sure to put it somewhere around the house that gets lots of direct sunlight without other sources of light around it to confuse the shadows. Then use the clocks you’ve already got and spin it round till it’s telling the correct time.

    Nice work Manvi
    See you later in the comments,


    1. Kia Ora Daniel,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog!
      I researched on google and before I published my post I thought if I included facts it would make my post much better and interesting to read!
      I will definitely put it up in the house somewhere where the sun hits. Have you made or seen a Sundial?
      Ma Te Wa,

  2. Hey Manvi,

    Great stuff, I'm glad you finding extra things to learn about that interest you. I knew the Romans and Greeks used water clocks and sundials but I didn't know people were using sundials much much earlier too.

    I haven't made a sundial before but my grandma used to have a stone one on a stand in her garden and she taught me how it worked when I was little.

    Hope you're having a great summer,



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