Thursday, January 7, 2021

3 Places To Go During Summer - Summer Learning Journey Day 18.

 Today for our last activity for the day we had to make a google slide about some of the places we love to go to during Summer and places that we are recommending people to go to. I choose three places, The Luge, Auckland and Tui Ridge! I also included a screencastify audio of me explaining why I choose these 3 specific spots to go to.

I firstly choose The Luge, it's a really fun place to go with friends and family and you get to go on a gondola on the way up and it's really fun and a really good view. Secondly, I choose Auckland, I choose Auckland because I love to drive there and you can see the Sky Tower when you go to Auckland, a good place for a holiday! Thirdly I choose Tui Ridge, I went to Tui Ridge on a school camp and it was really fun because we got to do many activities.

What I enjoyed about this activity is basically everything, what I found hard was trying to do the audio because on some I didn't know how to explain it! Here are my google slides:


  1. Kia Ora Manvi,

    What a cool way of learning about other places to visit around Aotearoa. I can’t say I have been on the luge and gondolas before but they sound like some awesome fun and I think I might have to put them on my to do list for the year. Tui ridge, that is a pretty cool place to visit also, I went there for a college camp. What I enjoyed the most was their high ropes course you can do. Did you do that also?

    Unfortunately i am unable to access you google slide, could you please share the files
    Anyone on the internet with this link can view so everyone can see it on your blog.

    Ngā mihi,
    Kiana-Marino (SLJ)

    1. Kia Ora Kiana,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog.
      I have changed the view setting so you can see my google slides! What I enjoyed at Tui Ridge was the Zipline, and The High Ropes. I definitely recommend to go on the luge, it's very fun! Just like go-karting. Have you ever driven a go-kart?
      Ma Te Wa,

    2. Kia Ora Manvi,

      It sounds like we have some things in common. No, I haven't gone karting yet, I've seen them everywhere and keep meaning to give them a try but i have a fear of them due to multiple car accidents in the past. It is something i want to do tho, maybe when i build up the courage i will.

      The luge sounds a bit more like me so i might give that a try next time i am in Rotorua.

      Mā te wā,

  2. Mōrena Manvi

    It’s Renee from the Summer Learning Journey Team, here. You should have received an email requesting to give me permission to access the file you have uploaded in this post as I am not currently able to do so (and neither is anyone else visiting your blog).

    I am really looking forward to watching your Screencasitfy once you have granted me access. Thank you!

    Mā te wā
    Renee (SLJ)


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