Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year In Different Languages - Summer Learning Journey Day 14.

 Today for our 1st activity we had to make a poster on how to say Happy New Year in different languages! I wrote 10 different languages! Maori, Hawaiian, Italian, German, Chinese, Latin, Portuguese, Samoan, Punjabi/Indian and Hindi! 

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt a lot of different languages! I found nothing challenging  and I enjoyed mainly all of it because it was fun and really good to learn. MY favourite was definitely the Hawaiian one because I didn't really know Hawaiians spoke their own language!

What does your family do for the New Years? Do you speak any foreign language at home? 

Here is my poster!


  1. Kia ora Manvi,

    Wow, I’m blown away by your outstanding blog post which is so exceptional it is getting extra points!

    It’s absolutely gorgeous and wonderful for informing your audience on how to say Happy New Year in a heap of different languages. I’m impressed you chose 10! I also love how you included the pictures of fireworks and the rainbow colouring of the words! I didn’t know that a different language was spoken in Hawaiian either!

    How did you choose all the languages you chose?

    For New Years, my family normally has a big bonfire at the beach where we set off some fireworks and roast marshmallows! What does your family do?

    Keep up the incredible work!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Kia Ora Shannon!
      Thank you for commenting on my blog.
      I am truly grateful and surprised that my blog was outstanding.
      How I choose all of the languages was I first went to translate on google and just found some beautiful foreign languages that I thought I could use.

      For new years me and my family always go to the river to see the fireworks and have fun. Do you speak any foreign languages at your home? How many do you know?
      Ma Te Wa,

    2. Hi Manvi,

      That's a cool way to do it!

      Fireworks are so much fun. Do you set them off yourself or go to a display?

      We don't speak any but I learnt a little Japanese and Chinese in high school! Do you speak any other languages at home?

      Bye for now,
      Shannon (SLJ)

  2. Kia Ora Manvi,
    Happy New Year! I love your poster it is so cheerful. I especially love the fireworks. Did you try saying some of these? I found it very tricky!
    Mā Te Wā,

    1. Kia Ora Kylah,
      Happy New Year! Thank you for commenting on my blog.
      I also found saying the different languages tricky but I know some! Like in Maori and Latin. Do you know any different languages?
      Ma Te Wa,


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