Friday, January 15, 2021

Is Summer Vacation The Same Around The World? - Summer Learning Journey Day 24.

 Today for our activity we had to fill in a google drawing about New Zealand. I also decided to include a Venn Diagram in this blog post between China and Gisborne! I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to fill in the google drawing and because I decided to make it kind of better by including a venn diagram!  I found nothing difficult because it was really clear and easy to understand on what to do. 

Here is the Venn diagram but in words:

China: Their school holidays start in 11 July and end in 31 August, Their holidays are not at the end of the year.

Both: They both has Summer activities (Summer Learning Journey.), Both have holidays to have more time to spend with family.

Gisborne: Our holidays start in December and end in February, Our holidays are at the end of the year.

I choose China because I wanted to try and find a country that was way far away from Gisborne and I knew they wouldn't be similar because every country is different in their own way, but I choose China! 

Here is my google drawing: 


  1. Kia Ora Manvi,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter for the Summer Learning Journey, it is awesome to see you completing the activities for this first week and I hope to see more from you over the summer!

    This activity is great for putting life into perspective, New Zealand summer is very different to summer in other countries based on our school holiday timetables, being in the southern hemisphere and what holidays we celebrate

    I think you did a great job adding some great facts about the New Zealand summer and what you do during the summer holidays and some great facts about differences between a New Zealand and Chinese summer and your venn diagram is set up well in words.

    What facts or differences did you find most interesting?

    Have you done any of the activities you mentioned?

    Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Kia Ora Zana,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog.
      I agree that New Zealand's and China's summer is very different but in a unique way. The facts I found interesting the most is how China's school holidays don't start at the end of year, I thought that's pretty cool! I have done some but I'm looking forward to doing more. Have you done any of the ones I mentioned?
      Ma Te Wa,


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