Monday, January 18, 2021

Fishy False Teeth - Summer Learning Journey Day 26.

 Kia Ora/Hello, 

Today for our last activity we had to prove that if The Triggerfish is real. I enjoyed this activity because it was super fun to do and I enjoyed researching about it and I was really surprised because I haven't seen a fish like this. I found nothing hard in this activity because everything was straightforward!

Facts about the fish: This fish was first found in Malaysia, a country in located in Asia. The triggerfish has 40 species, people say that the male triggerfishes can be very aggressive and sometimes even dangerous. They are known to be very colourful, their scientific name is: Balistidae. They are found in tropical and subtropical oceans throughout the world. A Queen triggerfish average size is from a 2 to 5 lbs and rarely exceeds from 10 lbs. Did you know some people have ate the Trigger Fish? Some of the Trigger Fish are . . . Lagoon triggerfish, Reef triggerfish, Clown triggerfish and Titan triggerfish, There are many more but most of them you can find on google! 

Here is my google drawing and why I think that the Trigger Fish is real and isn't a Hoax:


  1. Ata mārie Manvi,

    Fiona here from the Summer Learning Journey. Great work engaging with the Step it Up Fishy False teeth activity. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed this task and found it straightforward.

    Your post taught me a lot of cool facts about triggerfish! Just like you, I also think that the triggerfish with very human looking teeth and big lips is probably real and not a hoax. I think it looks very unusual though!

    Did you see any photos of other fish with teeth when you were doing your research? Maybe you could add these to your blog as evidence to prove that fish do have teeth and that this is not a hoax! I'd love to see what other images you found.

    Keep up the great work!

    Mā te wā,
    Fiona (SLJ).

    1. Kia Ora Fiona,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog.
      I also agree with you that it looks very unusual because you really cannot imagine a fish with teeth! I did indeed see many more photos but I just stuck to the Triggerfish topic and only used that image but I can definitely add more just because they are imusing and I also agree that it may count as extra evidence!

      Do you know of any other fish that look unusual?
      Ma Te Wa,

  2. Kia ora Manvi,

    Great to hear from you! You have asked me an excellent question. I was thinking of the most unusual fish I have seen and it has to be the 'red gurnard'. If you have a look on Google images you will see this unusual looking fish.

    Last week I caught a red gurnard and as I was pulling it into the boat...I hit my friend in the head with it. Whoops! Luckily he was wearing sunglasses! I'm not a very experienced fisher-woman!

    The reason I think gurnard look unusual is that they have 'wings'. Check them out! Can you find an unusual looking fish to share with me?

    I can't wait to see more of your blogs soon!

    Ka kite anō,
    Fiona (SLJ).

    1. Kia Ora Fiona,
      Thank you for your reply!
      I haven't heard of the red gurnard before, it does sound really fun to look into on the internet! I will definitely have a look at it.

      When I had a look at it, it definitely looks very unusual! But really cool at the same time. That's so funny and unfortunate when you hit your friend in the head, gave me the giggles..!

      I definitely agree with you, they look unusual because of their wings, but they look very cool at the same time! I think one of the most unusual fish is . . The Parrotfish. It looks so colourful but doesn't look like a fish in a way just like the Triggerfish, check it out!

      Ma Te Wa,


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