Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Pixel Art Summer Scene - Summer Learning Journey Day 27.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our first activity we had to make a summer scene using a site called Pixel Art Maker, here is the link if you want to have a go! Click Here. I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to do because I love to do art and pixel art is so fun. I found nothing hard except filling in the big spaces because you can't make the tip any bigger so you have to colour it in with one individual squares. 

I liked this app because it's free and anyone can use it where they are. In my scene I added a butterfly, a tree, a mushroom, a bench, some flowers, the sun, a frog and a small pond! My favourite thing I drew would definitely be the frog because I think frogs are so cute and I'm proud of myself because it turned out pretty good.

What is your favourite animal that's habitat is in/related to water?, mine would be a dolphin & frog.

Here is a screenshot of what I have drawn for this activity today: 


  1. Kia ora Manvi,

    It’s Shannon from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Ka pai on a fabulous pixel artwork! You’ve done a tremendous job! I like how you’ve included so many different elements! I love your little butterfly in particular!

    My favourite insect is a butterfly! I love butterflies. I live in Dunedin and we actually have a butterfly exhibit at the museum here. It’s in a super warm room and there’s a waterfall through the middle. The butterflies all flutter round freely, and eat from all the flowers growing in there. It’s amazing. I once even had a butterfly land on me!

    Keep up the fantastic work!

    I’ve marked your blog post as exceptional for extra points!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

  2. Kia Ora Shannon,
    Thank you for commenting on my blog!
    I think butterflies are very pretty insects, I agree with you! That museum sounds very beautiful to visit! I can just about picture it in my mind. Having a butterfly land on you is great, butterflies cause no harm and they just look pretty in general.

    What other insects do you like? How many times do you visit the museum exhibit?

    Ma Te Wa,

    1. Hi Manvi,

      I also really like lady bugs and beetles. I think they're so pretty and it's amazing how they fly!

      I've been to the museum lots lately! I took my cousin the other day because theres a dinosaur exhibit at the moment! We saw heaps of bones and even watched a 3D movie about dinosaurs in Antarctica! It was awesome!

      What cool things have you done these holidays?

      Bye for now,
      Shannon (SLJ)


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