Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kaitiakitanga Learning Focus.

 For the past few weeks, we have been working on being a good Kaitiakitanga, which means guardianship. We've been working on some inquiry slides which we were asked to make, our main topic is: Everything to know about being Eco Friendly! Being a good Kaitiakitanga is important to people and the earth. Not everyone understands what one piece of plastic does to the environment and how pollution can affect people as well.

So we made it our mission to spread the word and inform people on how the earth is taking this rubbish. Part of our project, we made a website so people worldwide could check it out and understand the damage we are bringing to the world.

In this website we have added some eco friendly alternatives that people can buy so they can replace the plastic ones, some facts about pollution, some quotes about the earth and even a video which makes you realise how much the earth is suffering.

Here is the link to our website: Click Here!

Friday, June 11, 2021

My Water Footprint - Peer Support.

 Today we learnt about our Water Footprints, we watched a video about a girl and her family having to walk to get their water. We then went in our peer support group and talk about what takes water the most and what is essential like swimming pools are luxury and drinking is essential.

I then did an activity called Your Water Footprint and I got asked question about like how much water we use on a daily basis in our household, Thing that are Luxury might be: Swimming pools, Washing cars, Watering plants like flowers, Watercolours, Long showers and Sprinklers. Essential things are like things we use water for daily and things that are necessary like brushing your teeth or washing clothes.

Reflection: I learnt that we use quite a lot of water than I had usually expected but maybe know people could maybe start saving water. - Here is the link to the website I used to check out my water footprint if you would like to check it out: Click Here. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

That Was Summer - Summer Learning Journey Day 28.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our last activity, we had to make a poem called "That Was Summer". I enjoyed this activity because I love to write and I like to do poems the most, I like poems because you can write/express  whatever you want. I found nothing hard because I thought this activity was fun and easy to understand! I like how my poem turned out and my favourite lines are the first 2! I think they can really relate to Summer especially when I said "Remember the lukewarm waves circling around your feet like a whirl pool" because sometimes the water may be lukewarm.

We had to fill in a google drawing that was already set for us to write a poem! The poem was a 5 Senses Summer Poem which basically has 5 different categories which are, Touches and Textures, Smell, Feel, Sight and Sounds! I think anyone can make their own 5 Senses Summer poem!

Have you made a poem before? Are there any other poems that you do and want to recommend others? Have you heard about a 5 Senses In Summer Poem before?

Here is the google drawing for this activity:

Digital Glider Made Out Of Recycled Materials - Summer Learning Journey Day 28.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our first activity, we had to make a glider out of recycled materials, I choose to do mine digitally because then you have access to any material you want and because I couldn't find any cardboard around my house! I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to do and because I love to craft and make stuff! What I found difficult was trying to find the right shape for the wings. I got inspired by those planes that fly up in the sky. 

I like how it turned out but I do have to say, I thought it might've turned out better! I watched a video about a guy making a glider that actually flies out of paper and a skewer! Here is the video link if you wanna make your own at home! Click Here. 

I made a google drawing and I added the materials I looking forward to add which was cardboard and a skewer, I think anyone can make this at home but I especially wanted to do it digitally! The questions are . . . 

Do you think it could work like a paper plane and fly? Have you made a paper plane/glider before? 

Here is my google drawing for this activity:

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Mondrian Art - Summer Learning Journey Day 27.

  Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our last activity we had to make some art called Mondrian art. I enjoyed this activity because it was super fun because I like doing art and Mondrian art is a very interesting and really pretty art style! Mondrian art was created by Piet Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan was a dutch painter who was known for doing the best painting in the 20th century. He was born on 7 March, 1872, and died on 1 February, 1944. A fact about him was that he only used primary colours which were blue, red and yellow, he didn't even use a ruler to measure out his lines..! 

I found nothing hard except thinking where would I add more squares? But I think it turned out great and I like it! I think Mondrian art is very fun to do and at the end it looks/turns out way better than you think it may, some Mondrian art pieces even have meanings to them but I just wanted to experience the style before I got into all of that! I personally think anyone could ace the art style just because it's pretty easy and it's just a bunch of squares! I like this art style because you don't have to do anything specific, you can do whatever you want with it. 

What art styles have experienced? Are there any styles you recommended? I think I recommend realism, it can be hard but as long as you try..!

Here is my art:

Pixel Art Summer Scene - Summer Learning Journey Day 27.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our first activity we had to make a summer scene using a site called Pixel Art Maker, here is the link if you want to have a go! Click Here. I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to do because I love to do art and pixel art is so fun. I found nothing hard except filling in the big spaces because you can't make the tip any bigger so you have to colour it in with one individual squares. 

I liked this app because it's free and anyone can use it where they are. In my scene I added a butterfly, a tree, a mushroom, a bench, some flowers, the sun, a frog and a small pond! My favourite thing I drew would definitely be the frog because I think frogs are so cute and I'm proud of myself because it turned out pretty good.

What is your favourite animal that's habitat is in/related to water?, mine would be a dolphin & frog.

Here is a screenshot of what I have drawn for this activity today: 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

My 10 Song Playlist - Summer Learning Journey Day 27.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our first activity, we had to make a playlist using google slides or google drawing and add 10 songs that we liked that were positive songs. I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun and I choose some of my favourite motivational songs! I found nothing difficult except thinking of some of the songs because there were many to choose from. The songs I choose were. . . 

1. Sunday Best, 2. Aotearoa, 3. Take it Easy, 4. Treat People With Kindness, 5. Ok Not To Be Ok, 6. Grace, 7. Sofia, 8. Heather, 9. Juliet and lastly Hall of Fame. The theme for the music I choose was positivity and motivational songs that anyone can listen to at home because I listen to these songs at home and I love them, I especially thought other people might as well. 

I also decided to include the video/lyrics so when you play the video and you don't know the words you can sing along too! Here are my google slides for this activity: