Friday, February 28, 2020

My Goal Setting 2020.

For 2020 my goal that i really wanna improve is get better at my maths and some writing. I also wanna be kinder than kind and show more love to other people like be their friend when they are lonely or help someone who got injured or hurt. I wanna be like Hinehakirirangi cause she took risks and challenged herself and that what i wanna do.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

My Lenten Promises.

My Lenten Promises:
Fasting: During Lent i promise to...
give up junk food and eat more healthy!
Lent: Lent is a time for... Giving up something fasting, almsgiving and praying more often if you don't already.
Prayer: During Lent i promise to... Pray before eating and before sleeping.
Almsgiving: During Lent i promise to... Give some money and some of the food that ibuy to charity.
What is Lent?:
Lent is about giving up something, Almsgiving and Praying more.

Yesterday it was Ash Wednesday, we got ashes on our forehead as a symbol of jesus or loved ones we had lost. There was also a day called Shrove Tuesday in the old days all they had ate were the expensive foods such as eggs, milk and sugar that is why we had made pancakes on Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Shrove Tuesday!

Shrove Tuesday:
2c Self rising flour.
4t Sugar.
1c Milk
2 Eggs

1. Stir the flour and sugar together.
2. Add the eggs and milk.
3. Mix well.
4. Pour 2 spoonfuls of mixture into a flying pan.
5. Flip pancake when it bubbles.

Today was Shrove Tuesday, So our class made pancakes cause back in the day when Jesus was alive they ate all the expensive stuff such as eggs, milk and most of all pancakes so today we made pancakes cause its just before Lent starts.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Making Huts.

Making Huts When I was little (and I still am) I used to hang upside down on the monkey bars and pretend that I used to drive at the park on the little tree houses but most of all i loved making Huts.

Blankets dangled off the edge off desks, Chairs supported and held the hut up evenly. Pegs clipped blankets together, Dictionaries weighed down to the blankets as if it were a tree planted in the ground. So then the bickering started…

 “Stick your legs there isn't any room!” “Go away! Dont ruin our hut!” “My desk?! Who moved it?” “Well it's not my fault!” “HEY! Stop opening the desks you're gonna ruin it!” “Where’s my book!” “BUST YOUR HUTS!” “Aww… I was having so much fun..” And that was the time that the fun had to stop… BUT! The best part was to bust it DOWN! Everyone was bummed and disappointed so they tried to lure Mrs Naden in, but obviously that's never gonna work. That was a packed day filled with bickering, whining and begging.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Dragonfly Drawing and FACTS.

This week i was learning how to get better at drawing on google drawings and today i had tried my best to make a dragonfly from a story.

I enjoyed trying my best and i kinda liked how it looked like in the end.

I found it challenging to actually trace a cartoon dragonfly cause on a chromebook it's hard using the big bar where you click.

My digital learning object shows that i can draw on google drawings by myself.

Next time i would change what i drew and add more detail and maybe next time i could try and use shapes and make it look 3D.

Facts about dragonflies:
1. Dragonflies don't sting and don't generally bite people.
2. Dragonflies have been around for 300 million years.
3. People in Indonesia like to eat them as a snack.
4. People say having a dragonfly on your head considers good luck.
5. Dragonflies livie throughout the world. They like to live in warm climates and mostly near the water.

This my drawing of a dragonfly.

I Am From Poem.

I Am From.
I Am From
A wooden house with a single sized backyard, no garden but silk green grass and an old black welcome door mat,
With grey, stone and concrete steps as hard as plaque.

I Am From
A warm kitchen with warm smells,
Chicken drumsticks with gravy, Cheesy garlic bread and pepperoni pizza,
Shelves lined with utensils and white plates
A fruit bowl filled up with juicy fruits
Cake tins filled with vanilla cheesecake topped off with a strawberry.

I Am From
Long drives to Auckland,
Rainy days snuggling up in blankets,
Drives to the packed park.

Board games, Chess, Card games.
The sound of: Lorde, Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor and Freddy Mercury.

I Am From
Folding up the washing, drying the dishes, Bringing back the rubbish bins, Hanging up the washing, doing the dishes, getting the bathroom/shower squeaky clean.
“Do the vacuuming NOW!”
“Do NOT drop your school bag here!”
“Come dry the dishes NOW!” 
“Hurry UP!”
“Clean up your mess NOW!” 
“Oh my… Clean up after yourselves!”
“Turn off the TV!”

I Am From
Kala and Nirmal and one sibling.
The living room is the centre,
The car is the centre.
Stories told, Lives shared.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Pawa And Kiwa Story.

That is my own Waka i had made using skewers, bark or wood and a piece of special material calico.

Museum Visit: Yesterday, a girl came in a told us about a story named Horotua. She told us some facts we didn't know and questions, Afterwards she told us how to make our Waka and that is how mine came out, Then we made some sand art, You get a Waka and you trace it around with PVA glue and pour sand onto it and there you had sand art!

The story of Pawa and Kiwa: Paoa and Kiwa had a boat or waka Horouta which made landfall in Turanganui a Kiwa (the great standing or waiting place of Kiwa.) The captain of the Horotua was Pawa, the navigator was Kiwa. Pawa was creating the Waipoa and Motu rivers. Eventually he found a suitable tree on a mountain and named it Maungahaumi. After Horotua was repaired it traveled around the East cape and landed at Muriwai then Turanganui a Kiwa, In the Gisborne religion.

About Me 2020.

My name is Manvi and I'm from Saint Mary's school. I am a year 6 in room 1, I'm from New Zealand Gisborne, I live with my happy family and i have one big brother and i live with my mum and dad.

 I love going to school to see my friends and teachers, I enjoy math even though i'm not really good at it i just try my best and i also love writing especially on the chromebooks, I find it fun typing just cause  i i kinda have the hang of it instead of pencil writings. I love doing art with my friends and art as a class. My goal for 2020 is to get better at math and improve my art.

 This year is starting off great, i've even made new friends whom i play with everyday, My personal achievements this year was that i got better at math by practicing and practicing it was all worth worth it, I hope this year i get a merit certificate i try my best in everything i do whether i'm bad or good at it, I believe that if you try your best and be the best you can be you may get the hang of it without no struggle. Manvi-

Monday, February 10, 2020

Friday, February 7, 2020

Summer Holidays.

Summer Holidays.

Driving to Hastings in the hot burning sun. Jelly ice cream melting and oozing out of the white whip creamy coloured bowl. The delightful fresh lavender fragrance in the air.

 The long uncomfortable drive including twisting and turning. Long drives of enjoyable mountain scenery at Kaiti Hill, with the king bees like busy men collecting pollen.

 The vibrant flowers were as pretty as a picture. Summers are fading.. Winter is coming.
That was Summer.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Waitangi Day Facts:

Waitangi Day is celebrated on the 6th February, the first year it was celebrated was 1840.
Did you know that there was a man called Hone Heke & he actually changed his name to Hone Heke and in english it stands for John
The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in Waitangi in the Bay of Islands on February 6th 1840.
Waitangi Day became a nationwide public holiday in 1974 
It was originally  called New Zealand day, But then the prime minister Robert Muldoon changed it back to Waitangi Day.
People celebrate it in different ways. 
As you  can see while reading these facts Waitangi Day has been very interesting in its own way.