Friday, February 21, 2020

Making Huts.

Making Huts When I was little (and I still am) I used to hang upside down on the monkey bars and pretend that I used to drive at the park on the little tree houses but most of all i loved making Huts.

Blankets dangled off the edge off desks, Chairs supported and held the hut up evenly. Pegs clipped blankets together, Dictionaries weighed down to the blankets as if it were a tree planted in the ground. So then the bickering started…

 “Stick your legs there isn't any room!” “Go away! Dont ruin our hut!” “My desk?! Who moved it?” “Well it's not my fault!” “HEY! Stop opening the desks you're gonna ruin it!” “Where’s my book!” “BUST YOUR HUTS!” “Aww… I was having so much fun..” And that was the time that the fun had to stop… BUT! The best part was to bust it DOWN! Everyone was bummed and disappointed so they tried to lure Mrs Naden in, but obviously that's never gonna work. That was a packed day filled with bickering, whining and begging.

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