Thursday, February 27, 2020

My Lenten Promises.

My Lenten Promises:
Fasting: During Lent i promise to...
give up junk food and eat more healthy!
Lent: Lent is a time for... Giving up something fasting, almsgiving and praying more often if you don't already.
Prayer: During Lent i promise to... Pray before eating and before sleeping.
Almsgiving: During Lent i promise to... Give some money and some of the food that ibuy to charity.
What is Lent?:
Lent is about giving up something, Almsgiving and Praying more.

Yesterday it was Ash Wednesday, we got ashes on our forehead as a symbol of jesus or loved ones we had lost. There was also a day called Shrove Tuesday in the old days all they had ate were the expensive foods such as eggs, milk and sugar that is why we had made pancakes on Tuesday.


  1. Kia ora Manvi,
    you have made a very good Lenten promise. As for junk food - I have given up sugar for Lent! And chocolate is my favourite. Let's compare notes at Easter and see how we have gone.
    Do you know how many days Jesus was in the dessert for before Easter?
    I think it is also a time for reflection and I am thinking about being grateful for what we do have.
    Mā te wā
    Mrs Torrie

    1. Thank you for the comment i love how you asked me a question about how many days Jesus was in the dessert before easter it was actually 40 days.
      I hope you get through 40 days without sugar it would be hard if you loved it.
      Ma Te Wa


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