Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Corpus Christi - Transubstantiation.

Yesterday we were learning about the Corpus Christi day and Transubstantiation.
Corpus Christi is Latin and means the Body of Christ Jesus' body and blood.
Transubstantiation means the conversion of the Eucharistic elements of the body and blood of Christ Jesus while the preparation of the bread and wine.

I enjoyed learning more about Corpus Christi and discovering a new word Transubstantiation.
I found it tricky to understand the meaning of Transubstantiation and first.
My digital learning object shows that I know about Corpus Christi and Transubstantiation.
Next time I would make it on a google drawing and make it more appealing and vibrant.


  1. I look forward to seeing the poster when it appears on here Manvi!
    Well done for completing the challenge by finding the definition of transubstantiation!
    God bless,
    Miss Steele


    1. Slav Room 3 & Miss Steele,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog.
      I will surely make a poster and add it on to give my post a little bling.
      How did you find out about the word "Transubstantiation"?
      Mā te wā


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