Monday, June 29, 2020

Pattern Ball - P.E

Pattern Ball.
We are learning to communicate with each other in teams and work together.
We start off with a pink netball and make our pattern and we aren't allowed to throw to the person next to us. Only in front or diagonal. Then if we are doing good with our pattern we get a soccer ball and throw like you would throw a handball and make it bounce, Same with the 3rd ball. You get a rugby ball and do a rugby pass to your partner. We have been trying different poses as well such ad a chest pass for the netball and a bounce for the soccer ball and lucky last the rugby pass by your hip and throw it while your on your side.
To communicate we had to call names, make eye contact with the person we throw to and the person who throws to us, be ready and only keep your eye on your group no one else's. don't look around or else when the person throws to you and your not looking you may get hurt.
What my group had found easy was starting off with the netball and keep on going and going with different balls. What our group found hard was to remember the different throws not only do one throw all the times and make the video and along with that we kept on forgetting to check if everyone was in the screen. We screencastify our video using screencastify with the webcam option. What my group could do differently next time is try not to argue and keep on going without arguing and maybe we can challenge ourselves to no dropping the ball.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Manvi,
    This looks like a lot of fun. Your reflection shows you have been thinking about how you can get better at this challenge. Well done. That's what great learners do - reflect and act on their reflection.
    Your Screencastify goes over the right hand side bar. Maybe you could resize it and update your blog.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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