Monday, May 4, 2020

When I respond to Jesus' invitations to be his friend I grow in holiness.

Today I wrote about..
How do we respond to Jesus invitations to grow in holiness?
Here's what I had wrote:
If you want Jesus or God to truly love you. Your gonna have to have the values and capability to know how to love help and be a good friend to others, Then Jesus or God may have trust and faith in you. Obeying God and Jesus is a good example, If you don’t obey him the trust would be broken but if you want the holiness that’s what your gonna have to do which isn’t hard, All you have to do is to have a positive vibe and staying happy and by obeying God your actually helping God build a connection and trust with yourself. Imagine if you saw Jesus and he approaches you and ask if you wanna be his helper, I’d personally say yes cause then you would learn the truth about loving and helping. I’d love to be a helper of Jesus or God but when you obey both of them and do what your told you basically are a little helper to them. How does Jesus invite us to be his helper? Well he actually has trust in you and thinks you can do it, Everyone can do it. Jesus helps us grow in holiness by seeing if we do the right thing he WANTS you to do the right thing of course but if you don’t do the right thing.. He will think you don’t know the values of doing the right things.


  1. Kia ora Manvi,
    wow, this is great. I would also say yes if Jesus asked me to be his helper. Jesus lives through us so when we do good and help others thats Jesus working through us and teaching others to do good in Jesus' name.
    Thank you for sharing your work with us today.
    Nga mihi nui
    Mrs Tamatea.

  2. Annyeonghaseyo Manvi,
    You are so right. We need to do the right thing; we need to love one another, forgive, pray, give to others, and show the fruits of the Holy Spirit - just like Jesus did.
    Which one do find the easiest to do? Why?
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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