Thursday, December 31, 2020

Camping Ground Sites Math - Summer Learning Journey Day 13.

 Today for our last activity we did a math activity, where we had to try and make an equal camp site with squares with grids in them and at the end we had to do some 15 times tables to work out how much money they would've cost to stay in. I learnt a lot of different things and it was very confusing at first but got the hang of it as I went on.

I found nothing challenging other than the first few slides which were very confusing. I enjoyed most of it and I learnt some new math skills. It got harder and harder until the one where there was a toilet block in the middle and you couldn't really go through it or past it.

Here is my google slide on my maths activity:

Digital Fruit and Veggie Art - Summer Learning Journey Day 13.

 Today for our 1st activity we got to do art but with fruit and vegetables! I choose to do mine on my chromebook because them I'd have access to more fruits I might've not had at home. The person who created this type of art was.. Giuseppe Arcimboldo, he was an Italian painter and loved doing art with stuff you find outside, books, fruit and vegetables.

I learnt that doing art with something other than paper and colours can turn into a masterpiece as well. What I used for my art was a watermelon for the head, blueberries for the nose and eyes, half a lemon for the ears, cherries for the earrings, lettuce for the hair and a banana for the smile! 

I've also included a couple of facts about the painter in my google drawing, here is the art that I made: 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

My Super Summer Taste - Summer Learning Journey Day 12.

 For our last activity for the day we had to write and explain our favourite foods to eat in the Summer. I choose, Ice cream, watermelon/any fruit, soda, and yoghurt. I choose these mostly because they are really nice when they are cold and when its Summer you really crave something cold and nice to eat/ drink in the hot weather.

I have explained why I choose these even more in my google drawing! I made a google drawing of the foods, here is my google drawing:

Word Art - Summer Learning Journey Day 12.

 Today for our 1st activity we had to read a slide in Maori and we had to make some word art. Here's a link if you want to try and some word art of your own: Click Here. What I like about word art is that is completely free and you don't have to pay anything. 

The words I used were Persevere, family, friends, Nature, Art, Happiness and Kindness. I choose all positive words because everyone should be enjoying life and being happy! Here is my word art:

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Super Column - Nano Girl Summer Learning Journey Day 11.

 Today for our last activity we had to make a Super Column! A super column is like a little experiment to see if you can stack stuff on top on it and see how much it can hold. 

Have you made a super column before? How many items did you put on for it to fall down?

What I used for this:



Card paper/Cardboard                  


And any slightly heavy item of your choice. Here is my google slide:                                                         

It's Cool To Be Kind- Summer Learning Journey Day 11.

 Today for our 2nd activity we had to copy a kind comment someone has left on our blog, I choose a comment from Shannon, a SMLJ commenter! Then you had to copy and paste your reply!

I like replying to comments because you get positive, thoughtful, and help comments to reply to. Do you like replying to your comments? Here is my google drawing:

UV/ Ultraviolet Indicator - Summer Learning Journey Day 11.

 Today we learnt about a UV Indicator. A UV INdicator is basically a chart called "Ultraviolet". It tells you if you need to protect yourself from the sun today, I made my own Ultraviolet chart for me to hang up at my house. I was thinking placing it in the living room since everyone can see it, a Ultraviolet chart can save you from either getting a sun allergy, cancer or sunburns.

These are the 5 different levels:

1. Low: Low means your all good and you don't really need anything to protect.

2. Medium: Either sunglasses or a hat.

3. High: Sunglasses,hat and sunscreen.

4. Very High: Sunglasses, hat, and sunscreen, stay away from the sun.

5. Extreme: Stay home.

Here is my google drawing that I made:

Saturday, December 26, 2020

3D Paper Origami - Summer Learning Journey Day 10.

 Today for our activity we had to make some 3D paper origami. I personally liked this because I love origami and doing crafts very much similar. I made a flower! 

The video I used: Click Here.

What you need:



A4 Paper, and that's it!

I love origami because it's affordable for anyone.

Here are 2 photos of what I made:

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Te Huarere / Weather - Summer Learning Journey Day 9.

 Today for our activity we had to do a slideshow that was teaching us about the weather in Maori. I enjoyed this because I learnt the weather forecast in a different language. I found nothing challenging in this activity because it was simple and clear to learn.

For an example I learnt something like this! "He aha te tohu huarere? (What is the weather forecast?), Puahuru & Kapuapua."!

Here are some slides that you can look through that can help you learn some words on your own!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Minecraft - Summer Learning Journey Day 8.

 Today for our 2nd activity, we played minecraft. I enjoyed this because it was fun and simple to learn especially if you don't really play minecraft like I don't. I found nothing hard except figuring out what to do at the starting.

We even got a certificate when we were done, Do you ever play minecraft? Have you done the hour of code? :

Kiwi Jingle Bells - Summer Learning Journey Day 8.

 Today for our activity we had to make up our own Kiwi Jingle Bells, I enjoyed this because it was really fun to make your own chorus for Jingle Bells. I found nothing hard besides trying to figure out what words would come next.

We listened to a song to give us some ideas, here's the link: Click Here

This is my google slide on my song that I created:

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Pigpen Cipher Code - Summer Learning Journey Day 7.

 Today for our activity we had to learn about Pigpen Cipher, I enjoyed this because it was simple to learn and really helpful! I found nothing challenging in this activity because the symbols were easy to learn. For my own Pigpen Cipher code that I made, I wrote it about my favourite beach for you to try it out yourself! 

What I learnt from this was how to code but in PIgpen Cipher version which was way more funner. Here is a link to a video that can help you make your own code! Click Here. 

Here is what I made, can you figure out what it says? :

Monday, December 21, 2020

Hana Kōkō Outfit For Santa - Summer Learning Journey Day 6.

 Today for our activity we had to read a book and it was about Santa and Christmas, here's the link: Click Here. I liked this activity because we could give Santa his own Summer outfit so he wouldn't get hot in his normal fluffy clothes. 

My inspiration for the outfit was the weather because its Summer which means it's really hot nowadays. 

What do you and your family do in Summer?

Here is what I created and explained why I choose those certain items:

Friday, December 18, 2020

Summer Haiku Poem - Summer Learning Journey Day 5.

 For our last activity we had to make a haiku poem about summer! I loved doing this because I like making poems, mainly about summer. A haiku poem is a poem with 3 lines, the first line, 5 syllables, middle line, 7 syllables, last line, 5 syllables. 

I like making haiku poems because they are so easy and fun to make. My poem was based on summer and I got inspiration from a photo!

Here is what I made:

Which One Doesn't Belong? - Summer Learning Journey Day 5.

 Today for our Summer Learney Journey activity we played Which One Doesn't Belong. It's a game where you see 4 pictures of the same things, one or all of them might be really different and you have to detect that. I really liked this activity because it was really simple and dun to do, plus its really easy to make your own as well.

I even made my own one at the end of the slides to see if you can figure it out! Here is my google slide:

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Made up Song Chorus - Summer Learning Journey Day 4.

 Today for our activity we had to make up or use inspiration from other songs to make up our own chorus. My inspiration was Louis Armstrong, he made a song called "What A Wonderful World". I like it because it's so positive and it's telling you to not give up.

I liked this activity because it was really fun and you can be creative with what you write. Mine is kind of similar but the song is amazing itself, here's the link of the video of him singing. Click Here!

"Here is what I came up with:

It's a marvellous world.

I'm walking on ground.

Talking about heaven on earth.

I've got more than my share.

Haven't got a care!

Happy today and everyday.

It's a marvellous world!

Loving marvellous you."

Here is a photo of Louis Armstrong!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Optical Illusion Art - Summer Learning Journey Day 3.

 Today for my last activity we had to draw an optical illusion. I drew one which looks like a tunnel of some sort and its going down. Optical illusions look really amazing and eye catching for art because it's the way their drawn. What I liked about this was that some of them are really easy to make like the one I have.

You also don't need to buy anything for most of them because most of the time you only need a pencil and paper!

They are really fun to do, it looks very smudged but it looks so trippy and cool to look at once you start to see it! Here is what I made:

Exploring Equipment - Summer Learning Journey.

 Today for our Nanogirl challenge I decided to use something that she used as an example to make something. I saw she had some tomato cans so I got a finished milo can, and turned it into a pen cup.

What I used:

Milo Can





I got the milo can and some paper, I cut the right size out of the paper and decorated the paper and glued it in so it looks fun and colourful. What I liked about this activity was because it was fun and didn't take as long as I imagined and it's very helpful if you have spare pens lying around, it's not as good but it's more helpful than it looks. Here is what I made:

Kowhaiwhai Pattern Art - Summer Learning Journey Day 3.

 Today for the activity, we had to do a Kowhaiwhai pattern and make our own. Kowhaiwhai are these patterns that symbolise different meanings like strength and more, you can find some Kowhaiwhai patterns inside some maraes on the inside of the roof with lots of different swirly pretty patterns.

The story of Kowhaiwhai patterns is someone named Tanerore, the sun. Tanerore is the son of Tama-nui-te-ra and he performs a haka for his mother, Hine-raumati. The "wiri wiri", the hand trembling action during the haka or waiata is a sign of the shimmering heat.Some Maori people believe when the land is hot that the air shimmer, they can see Tanerore performing a haka for his mother.

I liked doing this because I love art and it was really fun knowing you could create your own too. 

Here is what mine looks like: 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Exploring Equipment - Summer Learning Journey Day 2.

 For my 3rd / last activity for the day, we had to explore in our house and try find old things that we could build or make something of. For me I used some of my old leggings and made this little pocket thing so you could put stuff in it or like stick it on your door. I was going to make it a purse with straps but the glue I was using wasn't really good. 

What I used: 


Old clothing


It was pretty easy and fun because it's really helpful to put stuff in. The only thing I found hard was to cut out the shape since some scissors don't work well on fabric. Have you ever made something out of old clothing?

Here is what I made!

False Teeth - Summer Learning Journey Day 2.

 For my 2nd activity today we watched a video about these two men fishing and one sneezes and his dentures fall out and the other man keeps laughing so when he catches a fish he takes out his own dentures and put them in the fish's mouth, he shows his friends and he think they are his so then he tries them on and finds out he's pranking him so throws his friends dentures in the water so they both dont have any.

I found this pretty fun because we got a already made comic and we had to try and write what we thought they would be dsaying in the scene. Here is a link to the original video: Click Here. 

I enjoyed doing this because it was fun and we could make them say practically anything. Here is what I created:

Floral Insect - Summer Learning Journey Day 2.

 Today for my Summer Learning Journey activity we had to make art out of things in my backyard like flowers or leaves! I mostly liked finding the flowers because we had quite a lot I didn't even know about. 

I tried to make a dragonfly with leaves and added a little background. I mostly used flowers, leaves and this thick grass we had a bit of in my backyard. I think this was really fun because it's free and you can make whatever you want. 

We were also supposed to come up with a name for our insect so mine is... Autumn because in some parts of the world dragonflies mainly come out in Autumn!

Have you ever made something out of things in your backyard? If so, what material did you like, such as flowers or leaves? Here is what I made!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Explore Equipment! - Summer Learning Journey Day 1

 Today for our first Summer Learning Journey activity, we had to go around our house to try and find old things to use to turn into something like superpowers or magic but I made some origami paper sword and a axe by using my old coloured paper.

Here are the links so you can make your own as well! Click here. & Here.


Coloured paper



A4 paper.

I hadn't found anything hard but my first plan was to make a ninja star but I couldn't so I found some really cool swords on youtube and decided to make them. 

Here is a photo:

Thursday, December 10, 2020

What Christmas Means To Me! Poem.

A few weeks ago we did What Christmas Means To Me. I did an acrostic poem because you can basically write what happens in order, here is mine based on Christmas!

What Christmas Means To Me…

C: Christ is born!

H: Happiness.

R: Reuniting / Reconciliation.

I: Incredible food.

S: Spending time with family  and friends.

T: Time to give.

M: Making cards.

A: Appreciating the gift of life.

S: Surprising with joy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

2020 Goal Update.

 In term 1 we got a goal setting template that we filled in, but today we updated it. We make goals for each year so we can keep track of the year and see what we can do and what we cant. We wrote if we achieved in what we wrote on the google drawing.

Have you or your class done a goal setting?

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Making Ice Candles - Science.

 Yesterday we made some Ice Candles, the things we used was An old carton, Some oil, Some old coloured candle, Ice, A long candle to go in the middle. 

The first thing we did was cut the top of an old milk carton so that its shaped as a rectangle. Next we got some oil and poured it into the milk carton and used our fingers to spread the oil around the different sides of the carton so when we pour the hot wax it wont stick into the carton when it dries. After the oil has spreaded we melt the old candles in a pan and wait till its turned into a liquid.

While it was melting we put the long candle in the middle of the carton. Meanwhile the wax has melted we put it aside and put ice in the carton with the long candle and poured the wax into it and left it for 24 hours.

Today we ripped them open and the candle had holes in it and the ice melted so it was pouring quite a lot of water. So that means when we light the candle the wax thats melting by the flame is going to ooze out of the holes in the candle.

Here are photos of our class making it: 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

November Reflection Newsletter.

 Today we did our November reflection because it's the 1st of December which means it's almost Christmas! We reflect on our learning every month so we can look back and see what we've done in the past or either there's something that we might need to improve. 

Have you ever done something like this with your class? If so what was the favourite time of the year for you?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

How Countries Celebrate - Reading.

 This week and last week we were reading about Diwali and comparing it to other country celebrations. We got a google doc to fill in about whether its a public holiday or not and what its about, plus why they celebrate it. 

I found nothing hard because we had so many sites to read from which had lots of information to collect. I think they all should be holidays so people may have fun and celebrate their own countries with one another. 

Here is what I wrote:


Is a celebration the maori do because of the history about a family who are now stars with different meanings at matariki night.

Public Holiday?(in its own country)

It is unfortunately not a public holiday but the government is thinking about it.

My thoughts 

I think it should be so that families can spend time together.

Chinese New Year

The chinese new year is a festival in china that celebrates the beginning of the year on the traditional chinese calendar.

Public Holiday?(in its own country)

In china it is a public holiday and you get a 7 day absence from work.

My thoughts

I think it should be so that people can celebrate it together knowing it's a big moment for china. 


Diwali is a celebration in India because of a story in the past about a couple named Ram and Sita's homecoming. Which is a light festival.

Public Holiday?

(in its own country)

Yes it is a holiday in india.

My thoughts

I think it should stay as a holiday so the indian people can celebrate it all together.

Comparison statement

Most of them are holidays just some aren't in public, they all have a different back story to them.

Here's a photo of Rangoli in Diwali made out of colourful sand.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Art Colouring Book - Online Art.

 Today for our Cybersmart lesson we watched a heap of videos that were about art and what makes art better and vibrant like textures and colours. We got introduced to a site called Art Colour book here's the link if you wanna go check it out and do some of your own art: Art Colouring Book .

I chose a pictures of a Japanese girl combing her hair because it looked really pretty. I enjoyed doing this because it was really easy and fun to learn and do, 

I found nothing hard besides colouring the flowers on her robe because it was a lot of clicks and very tiring.

Here's a link to the artist: Click here. It was originally created in 1920.

My art:

Goyo's original art:

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Camping in The Bush - Procedure of Making a Solar Barbeque.

 Yesterday and today we read a book named "Camping in The Bush". It's about a family who goes camping and basically has a lot of problems like they cant drink water because they forgot it in the car and the car is already miles away from the campsite. 

Inferencing is a idea or conclusion drawn, it's like a guess about the story or what your discussing about.

They also made a Solar barbeque to cook some sausages. I made something similar to show how to make it on your own in very simple steps. I found nothing hard because it had the instructions in the book which was easy and clear to follow.

Here's my google drawing I did with a buddy on how to make a Solar Barbeque:

Friday, November 6, 2020

Camp WeVideo - Edit.

For the past few days we made a WeVideo edit on camp using all the photos that got taken. Me and my buddy Alison made one together. I found nothing hard because I knew how to use it and what I was doing.
We also did a voiceover about what we did and my favourite would definitely be the Fly Fox because it was so much fun.

Have you ever used WeVideo?

Parihaka Puzzle - Reading.

 For the past few days our class has been going around the classroom because our teacher has put up 8 cards that are full of information about Parihaka and we did sort of like a scavenger hunt because we all got 8 pieces of paper shaped in puzzle pieces. The cards had some questions and the answers were in the 8 different cards that were around the classroom. 

The story of Parihaka: The government people said to the Maori people that they could keep their land but actually confiscated it and took their land and gave it to someone else, then they go back to their land and find someone has claimed it and put their pegs. They got frustrated seeing that someone has intruded their land so they decide to pull out all the pegs and replace them with their pegs. The government was not happy about this so later on all the Maori villagers got imprisoned.. they were imprisoned for 16 months, all the girls would get abused like not given a lot of food and the prisoners got really sick. 2 men called Te Whiti -o- Rongomai & Tohu Kakahi were people who wanted peace for their village and villagers. They wanted to embrace the Pakeha world which they practised even when protesting against injustice. There is also a thing that all the kids wore on their heads, a white Albatross feather.

Here is the feather me and my buddy Alison have created:

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Tui Ridge - Camp Thank You Letter.

 Last week we went on a camp to Tui Ridge which is in Rotorua. We did a lot of activities and had a lot of fun, I did all the activities and pushed myself to the limits when it had came to the Flying Fox and High Ropes since they were about 10m high in the air. 

We also had some team leaders who we followed to our activities and they made sure we did everything right and helped a ton. One of the helpers was a person named Phil, he was very helpful and gave so many different techniques. 

My favourite activity was  definitely the Flying Fox, not only was it fun but it was amazing and it felt and little relaxing to be above the trees and it making you feel like your flying.

Here is my letter along with a photo collage:

Manvi S

40 Campion Rd


5 November 2020

Dear Phil, 

I am writing this letter to thank you for all the hard work you've done at Tui Ridge and letting me tag along with Alison in your car. Thank you for letting Alison and I have a lot of fun and for all the help you brought with you. You are truly a fun and caring person.

One of my favourite highlights was the flying fox. You were always lending a hand with the rope pulling and being an anchor and always being there to encourage us. I was nervous at first but my first time down was a blast.

Thank you for giving up your precious time coming to Tui Ridge with us. All your work has paid off - you came with us to the activities, helped us do different techniques and made us have a lot of fun. I’m sure you had a lot of fun as well.

I saw how much work and help you offered to settle us into Tui Ridge and look out for all the other kids that were there. You are a very uplifting person and very helpful

Ngā mihi

Manvi S.


October Newsletter Reflection.

 Today we made another reflection, by reflecting like this you can know what you need to learn next and what you already know or just sit back and read what you've been doing over the past few years. I found nothing hard because I knew what I was going to do and add since I had many topics in my head that I could use.

I like reflecting on my learning like this because it makes it funner and its just good to reflect on your learning so you know your next step. Have you ever reflected on your learning like this?

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Camp Rules - Tui Ridge.

Today we were writing about Camp! We wrote about the rules that we should follow at Tui Ridge. I found nothing hard because I know I will not put anyone in danger or in harm, I really want to find a new friend while at camp because I would like to help and comfort them in any way they need. 

Have you ever been to Tui Ridge before?

Camp Goals 2020 - Tui Ridge

Today we were  writing our camp goals - our camp to Tui Ridge is in a week. My main goal is making new friends and doing anything it takes to help them and comfort them when they need it.

I really want to try something new and step out of my comfort zone by overcoming some of my fears such as heights. I found this very easy because I was excited from camp all along and had been telling myself what my goals are going be.

The Apple Tree Dilemma - Venn Diagram.

This week we were meant to make a venn diagram on a book called "The Apple Tree Dilemma". It's about these siblings who own an apple tree and love it so much until new kids move into that house and claim that its their tree now.

They then soon make up a plan to get back at them. They get a mask and at night when the kids are on the tree they jump into a bush and jump out scaring them as the kids run away. The siblings go to the tree and pick off the apples as they continue to shove the apple in their bag, their dad find out and is very cross. The dad makes them go to their house and make friends with them and share it! At first they deny everything but finally dad had convinced them to go, they soon became friends! 

For my second book character I chose Mr Large who is a instructor in a book called "The Recruit", he is a very mean and brutal coach. I enjoyed doing this because venn diagrams are easy and fun to make. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Jungle Law Layout - Reading.

 For the past few weeks my reading group has been reading a book named "Jungle Law". It's about a man named Dr Ronco who goes exploring in the jungle. Dr Ronco was a scientist who spent a couple of month is the jungle studying the plant and animal life. What I found easy was making the scene because the words had already made a clear image in my head from the message that I've added from the story.

He comes across some army ants who try launch onto him but he runs.. and soon finds some ants have already crawled onto his ankle. Dr Ronco keeps exploring until he comes across a log, but the log was moving and out emerged a sloth. Dr Ronco quickly ran and climbed up a tree. He then stumbles upon a Jaguar. He runs not noticing the menacing look in his eyes that look very threatening. 

I made a google drawing about the scene and there is also a question for you to answer.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Artnet Andy Warhol Collage 2#!

 In our Cybersmart lesson we had another fun site we could use! This one was very easier and a less of a struggle from the last one on choosing filters back and forth.

I found this one easy because there were only a few steps to follow, The link to this site is: Click here. Once you clicked on the link you follow the steps that it says but first you choose what type of image you want such as a PNG or GIF or something similar of your choice. After that you upload the image and for the "terms of use" you click yes, then click the big green button and scroll down to pick what effect you want then "Validate" and save your image! 

My inspiration was Andy Warhol, here are a couple of facts about him: He did a famous painting of Marilyn Monroe and that is HIS most famous painting. His colours he always used were: Red, Black, Yellow, White, Blue, Purple and green but they had to be bold colours.

LunaPic Pop Art Filter Collage!

 Today for Cybersmart we learnt how to use a site called LunaPic, it is a site where you upload any photo of and you have many filters to choose from to edit your photo.

How to use the site: When you are on the page in LunaPic you either go to Filters, Art or effects but before that you download an image to edit then you just choose what filters you want then save the image by going over to the "File" button, "Save as PNG" then you've got your image! Link to LunaPic:

I found this very easy and quick because all we had to do was choose a filter, take a photo and edit it! I then put it on a google drawing to make it look like a photo collage. Our inspiration was Andy Warhol since he made digital art like this and edited them to give it nice colour and a vibrant look.

It's a free and fun site to visit and edit photos especially when you wanna edit some photos.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Gisborne Holidays - That are FREE!

 For the past few days we have been talking about free holidays in Gisborne while doing Cybersmart. I worked in pairs with my friends Francesca and Alison, we found choosing 5 places very easy because Gisborne has many good places to go that are free to take a stroll around.

If you could choose one thing to go to from our google drawing what would it be? My digital learning object is showing you we can use google earth for spotting our locations.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

September Reflection - Newsletter.

 Every month we reflect on our learning by making a newsletter like the one I have made today. Have you or your class ever done something similar to this before? We reflect on our learning like this so when we get older or want to see how much we have improved over the years.

I found pretty much everything easy because I knew what I was learning and why.

My digital learning object shows that I can reflect on my learning.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Bio Security Ad - Why you should check your luggage.

 Have you ever moved countries? My reading group has been reading a book called Bio Security. It is about when you leave food in your luggage.

I made a poster/Ad about it so people can stop doing something that is risking the environment. I worked with my buddy Alison, we found nothing hard because the answers were all in our book that we read and all we had to do was put it in our own words.

If you leave food in your luggage then your harming the environment by attracting the pests by the food that they can scent.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Maara Kai - Master Chef.

 On Wednesday we had a Maara Kai which is Master Chef. We got in groups and figured out what we wanted to make, our group made a Margherita Vegan Pizza, Oreo Truffles and a strawberry and banana milkshake.

I worked with Alison, Leyla and Francesca. We brought together all the ingredients that we needed and after Morning Tea we started cooking. The process was great because we worked as a team and nobody got upset. 

We didn't win but we had fun and we were happy since we got to eat the rest.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Te Reo Maori Week - Book Creator.

 This week is Te Reo Maori week, we read a story called Mossie about a boy who is from Australia and his cousin is Maori. He comes to visit and then they go and play rugby, but everyone thought he didn't know what they were saying since they were saying the instructions in Maori but he really knew them and impressed everyone.

I went on book creator and make a book on how you can say school subjects in Maori! 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Why you shouldn't be Polluting - Speech 2020.

 For some weeks we have been practicing for our speech that is next week on Monday, I wrote about pollution because pollution is an easy topic because you can find out many reasons why it's not good to be leaving rubbish since mainly everyone does it.

 I found nothing hard besides from adding more emotive language since when you start writing and get carried away.

I found choosing my topic and writing my "Thirdly" paragraph easy.

Doing a speech on pollution is pretty easy because it's easy to find lots of information about pollution and why it's bad for the sea, marine life or even us.

Listen to my speech here.

Friday, September 4, 2020

WeVideo - Edit for Shrove Tuesday.

 Last week we got told how to make a WeVideo edit. It was really fun and interesting to explore the site because I had not used it before, It was fun experiencing it. I did mine on Shrove Tuesday because I loved making the pancakes and they tasted so good afterwards with jam and syrup.

I found figuring out how to do the background and other decorating pretty easy. I found adding he writing hard because it was a bit confusing but I eventually figured out how to add the message. 

My digital learning object shows I can make an edit on WeVideo and managing myself to figuring out how to do my learning.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

August Reflection - Reflecting on our learning.

When every month ends we reflect on our learning by doing a reflection, like my August reflection I have done now.
I found writing what I was confidence easy because I have become more confident with my writing knowing that I have improved. I found nothing hard because reflecting on your learning is easy especially if you knew what you were learning and doing.

We reflect on our learning because when we get older we come back to our learning and read it and see how much we have improved and what we need to work on. 
My digital learning object shows that we can reflect on our learning and be on task when asked.
Has your class ever done a reflection newsletter? 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Frogs Comic Strip - Reading Task.

 For the past few days we got to read a book named Frogs, it was about a boy named Tane who came to a land where he discovered these weird looking frog looking creatures. He got tied up by the mutts who didn't want him there and left them, I got a buddy and we made what we thought might be the next chapter since the author left us to think about it.

I found writing easy because anything could've happened.

My digital learning object shows I can really think about my task and make up how I think it might've ended. 

Me and my buddy made a comic strip.

Tracey Tawhiao - News Paper Art.

For the past few weeks we have been learning about an artist named Tracey Tawhiao who reuses newspaper, finds a word that means something to you. I had chosen the word "Succession" because I am aiming to be successful in things I don't know how to do or need improving.

I had found doing my patterns easier because New Zealand has many pretty patterns you can use like a Koru. I found avoiding the gaps in the paragraphs of the newspaper pretty hard.