Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kaitiakitanga Learning Focus.

 For the past few weeks, we have been working on being a good Kaitiakitanga, which means guardianship. We've been working on some inquiry slides which we were asked to make, our main topic is: Everything to know about being Eco Friendly! Being a good Kaitiakitanga is important to people and the earth. Not everyone understands what one piece of plastic does to the environment and how pollution can affect people as well.

So we made it our mission to spread the word and inform people on how the earth is taking this rubbish. Part of our project, we made a website so people worldwide could check it out and understand the damage we are bringing to the world.

In this website we have added some eco friendly alternatives that people can buy so they can replace the plastic ones, some facts about pollution, some quotes about the earth and even a video which makes you realise how much the earth is suffering.

Here is the link to our website: Click Here!

Friday, June 11, 2021

My Water Footprint - Peer Support.

 Today we learnt about our Water Footprints, we watched a video about a girl and her family having to walk to get their water. We then went in our peer support group and talk about what takes water the most and what is essential like swimming pools are luxury and drinking is essential.

I then did an activity called Your Water Footprint and I got asked question about like how much water we use on a daily basis in our household, Thing that are Luxury might be: Swimming pools, Washing cars, Watering plants like flowers, Watercolours, Long showers and Sprinklers. Essential things are like things we use water for daily and things that are necessary like brushing your teeth or washing clothes.

Reflection: I learnt that we use quite a lot of water than I had usually expected but maybe know people could maybe start saving water. - Here is the link to the website I used to check out my water footprint if you would like to check it out: Click Here. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

That Was Summer - Summer Learning Journey Day 28.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our last activity, we had to make a poem called "That Was Summer". I enjoyed this activity because I love to write and I like to do poems the most, I like poems because you can write/express  whatever you want. I found nothing hard because I thought this activity was fun and easy to understand! I like how my poem turned out and my favourite lines are the first 2! I think they can really relate to Summer especially when I said "Remember the lukewarm waves circling around your feet like a whirl pool" because sometimes the water may be lukewarm.

We had to fill in a google drawing that was already set for us to write a poem! The poem was a 5 Senses Summer Poem which basically has 5 different categories which are, Touches and Textures, Smell, Feel, Sight and Sounds! I think anyone can make their own 5 Senses Summer poem!

Have you made a poem before? Are there any other poems that you do and want to recommend others? Have you heard about a 5 Senses In Summer Poem before?

Here is the google drawing for this activity:

Digital Glider Made Out Of Recycled Materials - Summer Learning Journey Day 28.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our first activity, we had to make a glider out of recycled materials, I choose to do mine digitally because then you have access to any material you want and because I couldn't find any cardboard around my house! I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to do and because I love to craft and make stuff! What I found difficult was trying to find the right shape for the wings. I got inspired by those planes that fly up in the sky. 

I like how it turned out but I do have to say, I thought it might've turned out better! I watched a video about a guy making a glider that actually flies out of paper and a skewer! Here is the video link if you wanna make your own at home! Click Here. 

I made a google drawing and I added the materials I looking forward to add which was cardboard and a skewer, I think anyone can make this at home but I especially wanted to do it digitally! The questions are . . . 

Do you think it could work like a paper plane and fly? Have you made a paper plane/glider before? 

Here is my google drawing for this activity:

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Mondrian Art - Summer Learning Journey Day 27.

  Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our last activity we had to make some art called Mondrian art. I enjoyed this activity because it was super fun because I like doing art and Mondrian art is a very interesting and really pretty art style! Mondrian art was created by Piet Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan was a dutch painter who was known for doing the best painting in the 20th century. He was born on 7 March, 1872, and died on 1 February, 1944. A fact about him was that he only used primary colours which were blue, red and yellow, he didn't even use a ruler to measure out his lines..! 

I found nothing hard except thinking where would I add more squares? But I think it turned out great and I like it! I think Mondrian art is very fun to do and at the end it looks/turns out way better than you think it may, some Mondrian art pieces even have meanings to them but I just wanted to experience the style before I got into all of that! I personally think anyone could ace the art style just because it's pretty easy and it's just a bunch of squares! I like this art style because you don't have to do anything specific, you can do whatever you want with it. 

What art styles have experienced? Are there any styles you recommended? I think I recommend realism, it can be hard but as long as you try..!

Here is my art:

Pixel Art Summer Scene - Summer Learning Journey Day 27.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our first activity we had to make a summer scene using a site called Pixel Art Maker, here is the link if you want to have a go! Click Here. I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to do because I love to do art and pixel art is so fun. I found nothing hard except filling in the big spaces because you can't make the tip any bigger so you have to colour it in with one individual squares. 

I liked this app because it's free and anyone can use it where they are. In my scene I added a butterfly, a tree, a mushroom, a bench, some flowers, the sun, a frog and a small pond! My favourite thing I drew would definitely be the frog because I think frogs are so cute and I'm proud of myself because it turned out pretty good.

What is your favourite animal that's habitat is in/related to water?, mine would be a dolphin & frog.

Here is a screenshot of what I have drawn for this activity today: 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

My 10 Song Playlist - Summer Learning Journey Day 27.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our first activity, we had to make a playlist using google slides or google drawing and add 10 songs that we liked that were positive songs. I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun and I choose some of my favourite motivational songs! I found nothing difficult except thinking of some of the songs because there were many to choose from. The songs I choose were. . . 

1. Sunday Best, 2. Aotearoa, 3. Take it Easy, 4. Treat People With Kindness, 5. Ok Not To Be Ok, 6. Grace, 7. Sofia, 8. Heather, 9. Juliet and lastly Hall of Fame. The theme for the music I choose was positivity and motivational songs that anyone can listen to at home because I listen to these songs at home and I love them, I especially thought other people might as well. 

I also decided to include the video/lyrics so when you play the video and you don't know the words you can sing along too! Here are my google slides for this activity: 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Fishy False Teeth - Summer Learning Journey Day 26.

 Kia Ora/Hello, 

Today for our last activity we had to prove that if The Triggerfish is real. I enjoyed this activity because it was super fun to do and I enjoyed researching about it and I was really surprised because I haven't seen a fish like this. I found nothing hard in this activity because everything was straightforward!

Facts about the fish: This fish was first found in Malaysia, a country in located in Asia. The triggerfish has 40 species, people say that the male triggerfishes can be very aggressive and sometimes even dangerous. They are known to be very colourful, their scientific name is: Balistidae. They are found in tropical and subtropical oceans throughout the world. A Queen triggerfish average size is from a 2 to 5 lbs and rarely exceeds from 10 lbs. Did you know some people have ate the Trigger Fish? Some of the Trigger Fish are . . . Lagoon triggerfish, Reef triggerfish, Clown triggerfish and Titan triggerfish, There are many more but most of them you can find on google! 

Here is my google drawing and why I think that the Trigger Fish is real and isn't a Hoax:

Super Seesaw - Summer Learning Journey Day 26.

 Kia Ora/Hello,

Today for our first Nanogirl activity for the week, we had to make a super seesaw! It was really fun because its simple to make but I struggled tying it together because I think my string may of been quite long! I enjoyed this activity because it was fun and a great source of entertainment and anyone can make it at home or anywhere they are! My one did not unfortunately work. It might've not worked because instead of a toilet paper roll I used some paper but I still enjoyed making it, What can you do next time if your one doesn't work out as well? I think . . . My tip would be: Get smaller string, try and use a toilet paper roll (because it doesn't get squashed like the paper!).

What you need to make a "Super Seesaw!":

1. A small ball/Foil paper,

2. A wooden spoon or a spoon with a long handle,

3. String, Yarn, Shoelace (or anything specifically like the ones I listed!)

4. Toilet paper roll (without the tissue, of course!)

How to make your Super Seesaw!

Firstly, you need to get your ball ready, I in that case made a ball out of foil because they all work the same! Secondly, get your wooden spoon and your cardboard toilet paper roll and put your spoon on top of it and let one end of the spoon stay on the ground while the other is sticking up, Thirdly, get your string and tie them together so that it sticks! Lastly, put your ball on the side of the spoon that is on the ground and when your ready for it send your ball flying, pull the side of the spoon down that was stick up and away gopes your ball! Here is my google drawing:

Balancing Act - Summer Learning Journey Day 26.

Kia Ora/Hello!

Today for our activity we have to try and balance any object into a stack like rocks, pebble and books. I choose books because I thought they might balance better! I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to stack them and see how many I could get stacked on top, the highest was 10 but when I tried to add another it kind of collapsed! I found nothing hard about this activity because it was pretty easy and straightforward. I debated on doing either stones or books but then I thought books might be easier to stack because they are more in a square shape other than rocks which are all different shapes and sizes.

I didn't really have any other books so I had to stick with what I had, I liked this activity because it's so much fun and anyone can do it at home with anything but what you gotta think about is . . What else can you stack and make a tower with at home? Maybe at home you can experiment with some other stuff and try to stack them. Here is my google drawing!  

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Do Something New, New Zealand! - Summer Learning Journey Day 25.

For this activity we had to go onto maps and create our own Journey. I started all the way from Cape Reinga to Gisborne, I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun and I myself didn't know some of the places to and to search them up and add them to my map was really fun and interesting. I found nothing challenging except how to work some parts of the maps because I never have used "Google My Maps". I choose 14 different locations throughout New Zealand!

The places I added to my map were, Cape Reinga, Te Kao, Pukenui, Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Whangarei, Auckland, Tauranga, Rotorua, Whakatane, Ohope, Opotiki, Matawai and Gisborne! The reason I choose those locations was I really wanted to make a little trail all the way from Cape Reinga to Gisborne, this activity was really fun as I like to travel, do you travel? Where do you like to go?

Here is my Google Map for this activity!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Is Summer Vacation The Same Around The World? - Summer Learning Journey Day 24.

 Today for our activity we had to fill in a google drawing about New Zealand. I also decided to include a Venn Diagram in this blog post between China and Gisborne! I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to fill in the google drawing and because I decided to make it kind of better by including a venn diagram!  I found nothing difficult because it was really clear and easy to understand on what to do. 

Here is the Venn diagram but in words:

China: Their school holidays start in 11 July and end in 31 August, Their holidays are not at the end of the year.

Both: They both has Summer activities (Summer Learning Journey.), Both have holidays to have more time to spend with family.

Gisborne: Our holidays start in December and end in February, Our holidays are at the end of the year.

I choose China because I wanted to try and find a country that was way far away from Gisborne and I knew they wouldn't be similar because every country is different in their own way, but I choose China! 

Here is my google drawing: 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Camping List - Summer Learning Journey Day 23.

 Today for our 1st activity we had to make a list of what we would bring when we go camping, I chose 10 things that I thought were definitely a must when you go camping. I enjoyed this activity because it can help anyone when they need it. I found nothing difficult except thinking of some stuff because I choose the main things you need. 

I personally think the things I have listed in my list are very essential because they are main things you need to be able to go camping and survive. Have you ever gone camping before? I think camping is great fun with your friends and family, its seems like so much fun and there's so many activities you can do with one another or some people go hunting with their family which is a really good way to bond with one another.

Here is my google drawing of my list:

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Poi Rakau - Summer Learning Journey Day 22.

 Today for our ast activity we had to make instructions on how to play a game called "Poi Rakau". If you haven't heard about it before then you can check out this video, here: Click Here. I enjoyed this activity because it was really to learn about and really surprising to know that warriors used to play this game while training. I found nothing hard because the video we watched before doing this activity explained it very clearly and it was understandable! Have you played Poi Rakau before?

I have created a google slide about this activity and attempted to write the instructions myself! I personally think Poi Rakau can be a really fun game with your whanau or friends to play with during the summer because it's a really good game and fun! Are there any games you play or used to play that generated from the Maoris culture just like Poi Rakau? 

Here are my google slides for this activty:

Summer Song Maker - Summer Learning Journey Day 22.

 Today for our 1st activity we had to make our own song using a site called Chrome Music Lab, here's a link to it if you wanna check it out! Click Here!. I enjoyed this activity a lot because it was so much fun to create a song and it's super easy as well! I found nothing hard except actually getting used to do it because you can't touch your screen. My song isn't based off of an actual song, I was really excited to create my own and I'm happy with how it came out. 

I like this activity because if you don't have an instrument then you can this site and its completely free. I like my song that I made because it sounds very positive and it might be nice to listen to sometimes! The instrument that I mostly used was "Marimba", I just liked the sound of it! What I like about this site is that at the bottom there are beats were like the song sounds like it dropped and even more. 

Here is my song that you can listen to: 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Summer Symmetry - Summer Learning Journey Day 21.

 Today for our last activity we had to play a game where we had to guess how many symmetrical sides can this shape make, here is the link to the site if you wanna check it out and give it a try: Click Here. I found this activity very exciting and fun because I like to do art and maths. I decided to try and do it digitally to make it easier! What I found challenging was rotating the images to be symmetrical. 

For this activity I also made some google slides about it to make much more funner. My favorite slide would be the Radial slide because it was pretty easy to make besides the Bilateral one. What one did you like? Do you know the differences between them? The difference is that the Radial symmetry generates identical body halves around the centre, whereas! The bilateral symmetry generates only two sides, left and right. 

Here are my google slides for this activity:

Parachute String Game - Summer Learning Journey Day 21.

Today for our 1st activity we had to explain how to do the Witches Broom/Parachute with a piece of string or anything that works that you could find. I enjoyed this activity a lot because it took me quite a long time to do it myself as well because it was really hard. I found nothing hard except just trying to figure out how to do it myself. I liked this activity because it was fun and anyone can do it even if you have string or yarn, I used a shoelace and it worked out very well!

I found doing the video hard because I had to redo it a couple times which was frustrating. I also made a google slide about this activity and a link to the video of explaining how to do it, this is the video I look inspiration from, maybe it can help you just like it helped me! : Click Here. . Here are my google slides that I made: 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Build a Anti Gravity Glass! Nano Girl - Summer Learning Journey Day 20.

 Today for our first activity we had to make a Anti Gravity glass! I enjoyed this activity a lot because it was really fun to do and I was very surprised when the card actually stuck to the brim of the cup, I found nothing hard because it a very simple task to do. I also learnt a lot more about gravity, I have also made a google drawing including the photo, why the card stuck onto the cup nicely and a couple of facts about gravity and what it is.

The first people to actually step foot on the Moon was Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, here is a video of the landing if you haven't checked it out! Click Here. I find astronomy very interesting and fun to learn about because it's good to learn about and it's just fun in general! Gravity is also fun to learn because their are just many facts about Gravity that you can look at on the internet.

Here is my google drawing with some facts about Gravity and The Force:

Friday, January 8, 2021

Rēhua (Antares) Poster - Summer Learning Journey Day 19.

 Today for our last activity we had to read a google slide about the history of Rēhua. I enjoyed doing this because it was really fun to learn and very historic! I found nothing tricky except reading some of the Maori because I am not fluent in Maori, do you speak Maori? How often do you speak Maori? I learnt a lot of things about Rehua and Antares and it's very interesting and I definitely recommend you try and check it out too!

Here is my google drawing poster of Rehua and the information you may be looking for!

My Summer Collage - Summer Learning Journey Day 19.

 Today for our 1st activity of the day we had to make a collage of what we do in Summer. I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to do and find the images. I found nothing hard and what I found easy was finding the pictures because there's many pictures on the internet for you to use! What I do in Summer is I like read books and hang out with friends and family and maybe even go to visit the beach or either kaiti hill. Where do you go to in Summer?

Most of the pictures in my photo collage are either with family, myself or friends! I like to spend time with family because it's fun and you should be spending time with family in general! What do you do when you spend time with your family? Do you ever have barbeques? Here is my photo collage! 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

3 Places To Go During Summer - Summer Learning Journey Day 18.

 Today for our last activity for the day we had to make a google slide about some of the places we love to go to during Summer and places that we are recommending people to go to. I choose three places, The Luge, Auckland and Tui Ridge! I also included a screencastify audio of me explaining why I choose these 3 specific spots to go to.

I firstly choose The Luge, it's a really fun place to go with friends and family and you get to go on a gondola on the way up and it's really fun and a really good view. Secondly, I choose Auckland, I choose Auckland because I love to drive there and you can see the Sky Tower when you go to Auckland, a good place for a holiday! Thirdly I choose Tui Ridge, I went to Tui Ridge on a school camp and it was really fun because we got to do many activities.

What I enjoyed about this activity is basically everything, what I found hard was trying to do the audio because on some I didn't know how to explain it! Here are my google slides:

Float your Boat - Summer Learning Journey Day 18.

 Today for our first activity we had to make 3 paper boats but I could only make 2 but I still enjoyed doing this activity. We had to see if it floated, and if we could place rocks on them to see how many we could put on before it sank. Here are the Links to the Videos here so you can check it out and make your own boats! 

Square End Boat.

Canoe Boat.

Normal Paper Boat.

All you needed for this activity was water/a jug full of water, paper and just some small stones! I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to make because I love to do crafting and origami is fun by itself in general. I found nothing hard in this activity except attempting to do the 3rd boat because it was really hard. 

The boat that won for me was the canoe boat, I thought it might not float at first because it was tilted to a side but as I began to put rocks inside of it it straightened up!

Here are my google slides for today's activity: 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Podcast Room on the Broom - Summer Learning Journey Day 17.

 Today for our 2nd activity we had to make a podcast of us reading a book! I choose Room on the Broom because I couldn't really find any other books so I went with Room on the Broom. I enjoyed doing this activity because I like to read and I was really excited to read Room on the Broom because its a really good and interesting story for kids. 

I found nothing hard except recording it and making no mistakes because I did stutter with some of the words sometimes. We had to watch a video of someone podcasting it before we made our own by Alan Mandel, here is the video link if you wanna check it out: Click Here. 

I learnt how to podcast because I don't read aloud or cover stories very often, but I enjoyed every bit of it. I thought maybe next time I can find another story and podcast it and post it onto to my blog since I enjoyed alot about this activity, here is my google slide:

Te Reo Maori Ice Cream - Summer Learning Journey Day 17.

Today for our 1st activity we had to do some slides with different activities. I found nothing hard expect guessing what the words might be when we had to listen to a audio of someone saying something in Maori and we had to write what we thought they were saying. The next thing we had to do was make a poster of all the ice cream flavours we learnt in Maori. (My poster is on slide 8).

I enjoyed this activity because it put your mind to the test because you had to listen very carefully on what they were saying. I learnt a new flavour in Maori, Pihikete me te Kirimi. Which is Cookies and Cream In Maori!

Here is my google slide and poster:

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Summer Sounds Poem - Summer Learning Journey Day 16.

 Today for our 1st activity we had to make a poem about Summer sounds and add a video of us recording the noises we hear. I enjoyed this activity because I like to write poems and I love Summer. I found nothing hard about this activity expect choosing what would go next in my poem because I couldn't think of anything to write! We first had to read a poem for inspiration.

In my video the main things that I heard were birds chirping, the wind flowing by and trees rustling. Tell me what you hear! What do you hear outside of your house? Do you have any native birds that you hear near your house? If so, what type of bird do you think it is? 

Here are my google slides for this activity: 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Cups and Saucer String Patterns - Summer Learning Journey Day 15.

 Today for our activity we had to get string and do some string patterns with our hands. I used some ribbon because I didn't have string or yarn, I had thread but it would break halfway through! I enjoyed this activity because it was really fun to do and you especially didn't need just string to make this, you can make use of something else too.

I found it hard doing the pattern in general actually, because it took me like about 10 times to get it correct because I kept doing it wrong. I tried once again and I got it, I was so shocked. Here is the video that helped me doing mine, maybe it can help you! Click Here. 

I learnt that you can also be creative with string, there is also a game you can play with string called Cat's Cradle, here is how to play: Click Here. Here is a photo of what I ended up with! 

Sundial Nanogirl - Summer Learning Journey Day 15.

 Today for our activity we had to make a Sundial! Sundials were in use in the olden times when analog or digital clocks were not made at the time. We had to make our own Sundial! I enjoyed making my Sundial because it was simple to make and very creative.

What you need for this activity is Card Paper/Cardboard, Tape and Scissors! I like these activities because anyone can attempt to make it without buying or spending money on anything. I learnt about Sundials, I never really heard about them before but they look really interesting and handy.

You can even write your routine on it like wake up, shower and stuff like that. Did you know that Sundials were made about 5,500 years ago? People who made the Sundials were mostly the Romans. Have you ever seen a Sundial? Here is mine!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Which is Real or Fake? How to Reverse an Image - Summer Learning Journey Day 14.

 Today for our last activity we had to go to a site which as images of people and 1 of them is fake, and we have to figure out what one is fake and what one is real. Here is a link to the site: Click Here . I enjoyed this activity because it was super fun to play. We also had to keep track on how many we got right and wrong! I played 10 times and got 9 correct and 1 incorrect. 

We also had to make a Screencastify on how to reverse a google image. There were 3 ways to do it, but I choose the simplest one for an example! I added both of my work that I did onto a google slide. Here is my google slide and my screencastify!

Happy New Year In Different Languages - Summer Learning Journey Day 14.

 Today for our 1st activity we had to make a poster on how to say Happy New Year in different languages! I wrote 10 different languages! Maori, Hawaiian, Italian, German, Chinese, Latin, Portuguese, Samoan, Punjabi/Indian and Hindi! 

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt a lot of different languages! I found nothing challenging  and I enjoyed mainly all of it because it was fun and really good to learn. MY favourite was definitely the Hawaiian one because I didn't really know Hawaiians spoke their own language!

What does your family do for the New Years? Do you speak any foreign language at home? 

Here is my poster!