Kia Ora/Hello,
Today for our last activity, we had to make a poem called "That Was Summer". I enjoyed this activity because I love to write and I like to do poems the most, I like poems because you can write/express whatever you want. I found nothing hard because I thought this activity was fun and easy to understand! I like how my poem turned out and my favourite lines are the first 2! I think they can really relate to Summer especially when I said "Remember the lukewarm waves circling around your feet like a whirl pool" because sometimes the water may be lukewarm.
We had to fill in a google drawing that was already set for us to write a poem! The poem was a 5 Senses Summer Poem which basically has 5 different categories which are, Touches and Textures, Smell, Feel, Sight and Sounds! I think anyone can make their own 5 Senses Summer poem!
Have you made a poem before? Are there any other poems that you do and want to recommend others? Have you heard about a 5 Senses In Summer Poem before?
Here is the google drawing for this activity: