Monday, January 6, 2020

Family Memebers Dream Job Summer Learning Journey Day 2:

My mum's dream job in her opnion would be: Get our own grocery shop and my mum would be The Cash Operator.

6 ways i could support her:
1. I will help at the shop.
2. Help clean up after
3. Be the stocker
4. Fill groceries for her
5. Let her rest
6. Help her at the counter
Those are 6 ways i could give my mu, a helping hand to get her dream job!


  1. Kia ora Manvi,
    I am working as a facilitator in Tairāwhiti schools, like Mrs Torrie.
    I like your ideas to support your mum in her shop.
    Do you think you would need maths to help out at the counter? I know sometimes a cash register shows you the change. When I worked at a cash register in a grocery store many years ago we have to count out the change to the customer to show it was correct.
    Mrs Krausse

  2. Kia Ora Manvi,

    Owning your own grocery store would be so cool! What a great goal for your mum to have! I think that the 6 ways you came up with to help her achieve this goal are awesome. She would definitely appreciate the help!

    What is your dream job? And who is someone that could help you achieve that goal? What are some ways that could help you? Maybe they could help you study or simply just be there when you need support.

    Could you please add a photo into your post? It helps your readers to relate to your writing even more!

    Ngā mihi nui
    Summer Learning Journey


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