Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Healthy And Strong Summer Learning Journey:

Healthy And Strong:

I personally think im always not healthy but theres maybe someday that i do these 5 things, With these 5 things im going to try help any people who are watching this to stay in your diet and not to get unstable with junk food alot. Now when on a diet you may eat but not eat as much First: Portion Size: Portion size is the good one cause you may balance your stomach between half full and half empty i recon doing this is good so you dont ever get stuffed sometimes wjen eating to much it may affect your breathing. Second: Trying to Stay away from the food: Now i believe this is hard for a person who may love junk food, dont be shy! We all do it.. even i have done it before. To prevent this you may want to comtrol yourself and actually think what happens to me when i eat lots of junk food? Its creates fat on your stomach or anywhere. Third: Milk: Milk does the body good all the time, it keeps you strong many children dont like milk last year i absolutely HATED milk but whether you like it or not it keeps you strong! Fourth: Exercise: You may be doing exercise and think wow i might do this everyday, and then you find yourself quitting.. Well ive done it before dont be shy! When exercising you need to think does this help my body? Yes. Does it create room and make my stomach empty? Yes! And those all are good things! Last One: Constipation..: Now when you have to use the lou you do it. I bet eveyone has skipped going on purpose right? Opps i realised i have done it.. and i revreted it after what i got told. When you dont go for a long time all the food in your stomach becomes hard like a rock then when you go to try you cant do it.. BONUS!: Warm Water (this helps with constipation!) Warm Water is must before going to the lou cause then it makes it not firm but kinda soft that makes it easier to... well come out. Every morning people are expected to go to the toilet and i mean everyday and if you do then good on you! -Manvi

I hope these helped you with your health and strongness dont forget to stay STRONG!

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Manvi,

    WOW! The five tips you have shared with your readers on how to stay healthy and strong are great! I can tell that you have put a lot of thought and research into this post!

    I like how you included exercise! Exercise is so good for your body, even though it might not be fun! What is your favourite thing to do for exercise? I really enjoy trying new sports, and I also enjoy yoga and pilates (have you heard of them?)?

    I noticed that you mentioned that you used to hate milk! Personally I think that it is so yummy! What is your favourite healthy food/drink to eat/drink? I love smoothies, they are tasty, healthy, and easy to make!

    Noho ora mai
    Summer Learning Journey


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