Monday, January 6, 2020

My 3 dream superpowers Summer Learning Journey Day 2:

My 3 dream superpowers!
1. Teleportation.
2. Know when someone is hurt.
3. Keeping bullies away.
Why: Teleplortation,  I would like to have teleportation so whenever im getting picked on or people are being rude, I can ignore it and teleport somewhere else.

Know when someone is hurt: I would absolutely love to have this superpower so whenever someone or one of my friend is getting bullied or picked on i can go straight away and help them!

Keeping bullies away: This superpower is kinda connected to teleportation but i eouldnt teleport, i would have the ability to keep them away and handle the bullying.

Those were my 3 dream superpowers!

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Manvi,

    You have chosen some great and very thoughtful superpowers! I like how you have included an explanation as to why you picked those superpowers - it really helped me to understand the meanings behind your choices!

    I like how all of the superpowers you chose were to help your friends and others around you. What a selfless and courageous choice!

    You sound very brave and if you had superpowers it sounds like you would put them to great use! Remember if you need anyone to talk to, parents, teachers and other loved ones are there to listen.

    Kia pai tō rā
    Summer Learning Journey


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